Chapter 4: Jail Break

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Something had happened while he was in the hospital. He stood there outside the door staring at the world, things had changed. There was no longer a blizzard blowing snow in every direction, in fact there was no snow to be seen anywhere. The clouds in the sky were ominously dark and dropping water. The temperature seemed to be much warmer as well.

Still not knowing where the diner was, Damien took off down the road in search of it. There was still nobody to be found on the streets, just an empty vehicle every few hundred feet or so.

One of the vehicles he came across was a police cruiser with the door open. Peering inside the vehicle Damien found a pistol and an extra clip next to it. He looked around to see if anyone was watching, even though he knew he was alone. He felt very uncomfortable taking the gun from the cruiser, even knowing it may save his life.

Damien stuck the handle of the axe down the waist of his pants so that he no longer had to carry it, he didn't want to leave it behind in case he may need it again. He then checked the clip in the pistol to make sure it was loaded, and then was on his way down the road again.

It wasn't long until he came across the local police station. This had to be his best luck yet; he could go inside and find out what was going on with these air raid sirens and these attacks or at the very least ask where the diner is.

Damien climbed the stairs to the police station and entered the building. What he hoped to see and what he did see were two different things. Although he knew deep down, he already imagined it would be this way.

The floors glistened as if they had recently been waxed. The chairs along the wall were empty and there was nobody behind the desk. The place was as empty as a ghost town, with everything that was happening, maybe that's just what it was, a ghost town. But there was something that Damien noticed; the door leading to the jail cells was left open.

Damien went through the door and still not seeing anybody, was spooked by a voice that came from behind.

"Hey, what are you doing in there?" asked the sheriff behind Damien.

Damien turned around to the voice, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't..."

"Get your hands up now!" said the officer as he pulled his gun and aimed it at Damien.

Damien put his hands in the air, as he did so he realized what the issue was, "I can explain."

"Shut up and don't move!" the officer stepped to Damien and took the gun from his hand, tossing it to the ground before reaching for the axe in the waist of his pants. He tossed the axe to the ground next to the gun. "Put your hands behind your back."

Damien did as instructed; feeling cuffs being slapped on him quickly after. The sheriff grabbed him by the wrist and directed him down the hall to the second to last cell before locking him inside. "You think you can just walk in here with a police issue pistol and a blood stained axe? You criminals surprise me more and more every day."

The officer left the hallway and went back to the lobby. Shortly after came a voice from the cell next to Damien.

"This place isn't what it seems. You need to get out of here as soon as you can." said the voice.

"Who are you?"

"My names Dave, but you must leave as soon as possible, this place is evil."

"I've noticed, there is definitely something wrong with this place."

Not long after there came a crashing sound followed by yelling from the officer. "What the hell is that? Stop... stop!" Then came the sound of a shotgun. Boom. Boom. Then there was silence for a couple of seconds followed by a grinding sound, the sound was getting closer.

Damien leaned against the bars of the cell trying his best to peer down the hallway. "What's going on?" he yelled.

"He's coming." said Dave with fear in his voice.

Then Damien saw him as he came down the hallway. For the most part he looked human, a tall muscular human. However, his head was triangular, no, not triangular, pyramid shaped. There were no eyes or mouth. Was it a mask or helmet? Damien didn't know. But the most frightening thing wasn't his head; it was the gigantic sword he was dragging behind him. The sword was as long as he was tall, if not longer.

The man, creature, monster, pyramid head, whatever it was, passed in front of Damien's cell slowly, as the giant sword obviously having great weight to it didn't allow him to move fast. Pyramid head passed his cell and stopped in front of Dave's cell.

Pyramid head swung the sword with great force slicing through the cell bars. Again and again he sliced the bars until there was a hole big enough for him to enter through.

"No, no, no!" shouted Dave as Pyramid head stepped into the cell.

Damien's cell door opened and he stepped out shortly after something smashed into the wall next to him. Turning to see what it was he found Dave's body limp on the ground. There was splatter of blood on the wall above his body.

"Come quickly, buttercup, you have to hurry!" came a woman's voice.

Damien turned back around to see Debbie at the end of the hall; she was the one who had opened his cell. He began running toward her, when Pyramid head stepped back out of Dave's cell and began following him. Damien reached the lobby to find the sheriff's body split in two from Pyramid head's massive sword, his intestines hanging out of his upper half, both halves lying in a pool of red.

Next to the severed body of the officer was the shotgun he had heard earlier. Damien picked it up and aimed it down the hallway at Pyramid head. Boom. Boom. Boom. He emptied the shotgun into Pyramid head's body, but he still pressed on.

Damien frantically began searching for something else he could use. On the desk he found the pistol he had brought with him. Turning back towards Pyramid head he pointed the pistol at his head and fired a shot, but it just ricocheted off. Now Pyramid head was within range and swung his sword at Damien, narrowly missing him as he ducked under the side slash. Damien quickly stood back up and fired five more shots into his body this time. Pyramid head stumbled back a step before swinging again, this time a downward slash. Damien barely managed to dive out of the way, then putting another four bullets into Pyramid head's body.

Pyramid head stumbled again this time clutching his chest with one arm. He then regained his footing and left the building, still dragging his sword behind him.

Damien took a second to catch his breath before calling out, "Debbie... Debbie?" but she was gone. He began looking around the desks for anything useful when he found a box with five shotgun shells. He picked up the shotgun from the ground and loaded it with the five shells, then using the strap he hung it over his shoulder. He then took the empty clip out of the pistol and replaced it with the extra clip that was still in his pocket. He couldn't believe that the officer didn't even pat him down before putting him in the cell earlier. Damien then picked up the axe off the desk as well and placed it in his waistband again.

Looking around the room he spotted a town map on the wall. Damien tore the map off the wall and began inspecting it. He looked over the map for a few minutes but could not find a diner, not until he looked over the mall did he find out that "The Diner" was actually the name of a restaurant there.

Damien now knew where The Diner was and needed to find Natalie as fast as he could so they could leave Silent Hill. He quickly left the police station to continue on his way to The Diner.

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