Chapter 2: Vacancy

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"Watch your step, the floors can be a bit slippery when your shoes are wet," said a petite woman with braided blonde hair that would have reached the middle of her back had it not been draped over her shoulder and resting on her chest. She smiled and stared at them with her green eyes. "What brings you to Silent Hill this cold evening, we don't get many visitors in the snow?"

We're going to be recording some footage for our vlog that we have," Damien replied with a smile.

"Well glad you guys made it safely; those roads can be pretty dangerous in the snow."

"Is that why there aren't many vehicles in the parking lot?" Natalie asked.

"I'm sorry?" the receptionist asked, still looking at Damien.

"The snow making the roads dangerous, is that why it's so desolate in the parking lot?" Damien chimed in, feeling awkward that she was staring at him.

"Oh, yes, that and the fact that the fires still continue to burn underground. A lot of people are superstitious about the fires; others just can't handle the ash that is in the air on the bad days."

"So the stories of the fire are true, I knew it! We are going to make internet gold with this vlog babe."

"So you need a room just for the night or longer?"

Natalie had taken to being quiet as she felt out of place the way the receptionist was staring at Damien and just paying attention to him.

"Just for the night please."

"Smoking or non-smoking?"


"Two beds or one?"

"Uh, one bed will do."

"Okay, that will be an even fifty four dollars."

Damien payed the woman with exact change and received a receipt from her. At the bottom of the receipt she had signed her name, Debbie, with a smiley face next to it.

"Here's your room key," Debbie said, handing him a key attached to a key ring with a plastic piece that had the number 318 on it. "Your room is three eighteen and it's on the third floor. If you need anything else feel free to ask."

"Thank you." Damien said as he turned and began to walk away.

Natalie and Damien made their way to the elevator in the large open lobby with their suit case in tow. They passed by a wooden rack full of brochures that contained places of interest in and around Silent Hill. After reaching the elevator they pressed the button and the elevator doors slid open with a ding. There was no music while the elevator ascended to the third floor. Upon arriving the doors slid open again with another ding, signaling their arrival. Making their way down the carpeted hallway they passed many rooms, odd numbers on the left; 301, 303, 305..., even numbers on the right; 302, 304, 306 and so on until they finally reached 318. There was only one more room passed theirs, it was room 320, room 319 was directly across from them, however, across from 320 was an ice machine and vending machine, along with a stairwell.

Damien pushed the key into the lock of 318 and turned it, a faint click was heard as it unlocked. They entered the room and locked the door behind them. Damien strolled over to the bed, placed the suitcase on it and unzipped it pulling out an emergency electronic device. It was a flashlight-radio combo that could be charged by the solar panel on top, it could be wound up by the crank on the end and charged or it could be plugged into the wall to charge.

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