Far From Home

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In a faraway place, far away from earth, far away from home. There exist a planet, a planet that we were thought in school as the biggest planet closest to our galaxy. Jupiter, a planet that has multiple satelites in which one of them.. is Titan. What we don't know is that this satellite was once a wonderful and habitable place just like earth, but things have turned over a few decades. What used to be a grass field had now turned to dessert as far as the eye can see, beautiful building structures now had crumbled into city ruins, not long after... Titan had fall and gone extinct all because of the planet being overpopulated. One of the survivors was Thanos who seek to save the Universe from overpopulation, by erasing half of life from all over the universe, he became a world conqueror and gain many names and allies.

Now with a quest to collect all of the infinity stones to obtain his ultimate goal, he fought against earths mightiest heroes and even the guardians of the galaxy, but with no effort he had beat both of them. There they were lying motionless on the ground, both members of the Avengers and the Guardians, not dead but knocked out... except for three others.

Tony stark also known as Iron Man who is currently wounded from getting impaled by his own blade that he tried to stab thanos with. Peter Parker who calls himself Spider Man, is currently aiding Stark in keeping him alive. And Doctor Strange known as Master of the Mystict Arts, he put up a good fight against Thanos but even so, he still was no match for the Mad Titan.

There he stood alone gazing at the sky standing there with the time stone in hand, he glanced at his home planet then at the fallen heroes. With a look of satisfaction he raised his arm with gauntlet in hand, he clenched his fist and a blue light illuminated from one of the stones. Behind Mad Titan, formed a dark blue vortex which is actually a wormhole connecting to a point in space and time.

Thanos was about to head to the wormhole before a voice shouting "THANOS!" made him stop and turn around, behind him stood an unexpected challenger, one of the members of the Avengers, but instead of professional or experienced heroes, the one who called out to him was the youngest and less experienced Avenger Spider Man.

"Where do you think you're going!?" shouted the young Hero without a hint of fear, although he wears a mask but Thanos can clearly see the anger in him but he had no intention of dealing with him.

"I have gotten what I wanted, I have nothing more to do with any of you. For now, I will take my leave " Thanos was about to walk away ignoring Spider Man but was once again stopped by a strand of webbing sticking on his right hand, he turn to see Spider Man trying hard to pull him away but didn't do much to him.

"You're not getting away with this!"

"Kid stop! Don't do this!" a familiar voice was calling to Spider Man, he turn to see Tony Stark struggling to stop him from doing anything stupid, but Parker was not going to accept.

"Let go of my hand boy and I will spare you" Thanos threatened with a grimacing tone which caused Parker to flinch, but he had a strong courage.

"Go ahead! Try..." This caused Thanos to frown.

"Foolish child" Thanos said as he grabbed on the web line sticking on to his hand and pulling Spider Man Towards him, but Spider Man saw it coming.

Just as he expected, Thanos brought up his left hand getting ready to punch him. Using the Mad Titan's hand that almost hit him, he used it to do a midair one handed handspring and did a kick on Thanos hoping that would at least hurt him a little. Unfortunately for Spider Man, it wasn't enough to even hurt him the slightest. Thanos clenched his fist and a purple shockwave formed around him knocking back Spider Man with little to no effort.

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