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A repeating knock awoke Kimi from her sleep the following morning, causing a groan to leave her lips. With a long yawn, the teenager sat up and stretched her arms out. Her gaze drifted to the sleeping teen next to her, who looked as peaceful as ever. Placing a kiss on his forehead, she tugged the blankets off her body and stood up before letting a small yelp out.

The cold air hugged her figure, causing her to shiver and groggily look around for something to put on. The first thing was one of Tommy's nightshirts that laid not too far away from her, with the other article of clothings that had been tossed aside last night. Picking it up, Kimi put her arms through the holes and began to button it up as she approached his door.

Without much thought, Kimi unlocked the door and began to open it. With an unphased look on her face, she greeted Deedee as she normally would; "Morning, Mrs. Pickles" she said as she finished buttoning up his shirt.
And then reality smacked both women right in the face.

Blinking once, Kimi gasped loudly and took a step back from the elder woman while throwing her arms back. "Oh god! I... I can explain Mrs. Pickles!"

However, the woman pulled her own arm from behind her back, revealing a bottle of alcohol to the teenage girl. The girl's eyes went wide for a moment before she glanced back at the sleeping Tommy who had yet to awake to the catastrophic mess that was about to combust.
"Okay," pausing, Kimi bit down on her lip. "I can't really explain that- but that's not mine or Tommy's fault."

Deedee's silence continued to slash at Kimi as she continued to step backwards, afraid of what was about to come from the elder women. At least, she already knew that the two of them were together-

But their sexual life was another whole thing that they agreed to wait on before telling.
Seconds were counting down until the moment that Tommys mom was going to explode with rage, and Kimi was stuck waiting throughout the entire scene. After a few more seconds, Kimi raised her hands in defense and swallowed.

"We intended to tell you- really.." Nervously sweating, Kimi mentally scolded herself for opening the door to begin with. She should have known better- especially after she knew she stayed over. "We were just waiting for the rig-"

And the time bomb just set off.

Jumping up at the speed of light, Tommy let out a yell while turning to face his mother and girlfriend, who both turned to look at the naked teenager who innocently blinked once. Then twice. And a third time before screaming and reaching for his boxers while his mother turned around while yelling, "YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION FOR THIS!"
Tommy quietly took note of how Kimi looked merely in his shirt before standing up. Approaching his mother carefully, he took a deep breath. "Look, mom, listen.."

Turning quickly, Deedee pointed a finger at him and then directed it at Kimi who flinched slightly. "Downstairs. Now."

"Yes mom," he uttered as his mother quickly left the room while calling for Stu. Both teenagers looked at each other with a disdained expression before letting out a sigh.

"We're fucked."

There was a slight pause before Kimi nodded. "Yeah. We are."

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