Epilogue - A Dish Best Served Cold

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 Thankfully, Rosarie and the others were given the chance to bathe and fix themselves before they were led to the Howling Oak, the worgen refuge in Darnassus. It took the girl a second to realize that Cynric was nowhere to be seen. The seed of fear had begun to promptly sow its way into her heart, growing all the more persistent when she asked the nearby Sentinels and evacuees if they had seen him.

 “What if he was left behind?!” She had burst out when one of the women yet again denied seeing the man. “What if he was killed?!

 “I am sorry. There is nothing we can do right know but wait. You can check the board of survivors for his name, Miss. The names of those who had successfully made it to Teldrassil are posted over there.” One of the Sentinels had replied in a soft tone, gesturing to the piece of wood propped up on a stand. Lists were tacked onto it, as well as pictures and letters.

 Taking a deep breath, Rosie pushed through the bubbling crowd, ignoring the curses thrown her way, and skimmed the lists with her finger. 



 Does that mean that he was okay? That Cynric was alive and well, and just merely out hunting or shopping or helping?

 Rosarie let out a slow breath. She briefly looked away from the board, afraid to scan it further. Afraid that she would not be able to find the names of her mother and sister. But she had to know, right? She could not just simply go on with her life and ignore the fact that her only remaining family was left unburied, if their fate was grim.

 She cleared her throat and crossed her fingers, turning back to the list. She’d check the J’s first, for Juniper’s name. Surely, if her sister was listed than her mother was safe, as well.


 No Juniper.

 Her sister was not here.

 “This must be a mistake!” Rosarie exclaimed, whipping around, her eyes wide. “There is a mistake!”

 “I’m sorry…?” A Sentinel approached her, her purple head tilted questioningly. “Have you found someone not on the list here?”

 “I should! She had to…She couldn’t have…Juni can’t be!” The girl stammered, clutching her face, her broken nails digging into the soft, still-healing flesh of her cheeks. “My sister…”

 The night elf’s tattooed expression shifted to a gentler one. She reached out a gloved hand, placing it on the human’s shoulder, “I am sorry. If it is so, and your sister’s name is indeed not on the list, I am afraid there is nothing much we can do now but make sure her memory has been properly honored. My deepest condolences, and may Elune’s light warm and mend your soul, friend.” She dipped her head and slipped away, leaving Rosie petrified.

 “Wha…What do you mean there is nothin’ you can do?!” She screamed, her blue eyes bulging with shock and newfound anger, “What about a search party?! What about…about all those people who might have been left behind, huh?! Answer me! Answer me!!! You can’t just…” Her voice broke as she fell to her knees, seizing the grass with her fists, “you can’t just leave…them there…their bodies for the takin’…”

 Tears of sorrow streamed down her cheeks as others moved aside, the Oak beginning to fill with hushed whispers and dagger glares. A Moon Priestess kneeled beside the girl, cooing in her ear and encouraging her to move to the side, where she could perform a serenity ritual.

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