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It was the night of the art gallery exhibition. Raven was pacing the floor. She had re done her make up 4 times already.
"Katie the taxi is here" Alex shouted up the stairs. Her brother and Gill were also waiting down stairs they had taken the time off to come and see her work.

She had her hair up and was wearing a light blue strapless dress. She grabbed her hand bag and walked down the stairs.
"Katie you look amazing" Alex said kissing her cheek.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to The Cube Art Gallery". Everyone clapped.
"Tonight we are show casing one of the most talented artists I have ever seen Miss Katherine O'Connor". Every clapped again. Raven took the microphone of the gallery owner.
"Thank you so much to everyone for coming. And I would just like to thank my brother and his wife for travelling so far to support me in this, and please spend big" she handed the microphone back and smiled into the crowd.

Raven was speaking to a few other artists when the owner came up to her,
"Katie sorry I'm going to have to pull you away, someone has just brought 2 of your pieces. Paid cash. Wanted you to meet him" her face lit up this was a good sign.
"Sorry excuse me I will be back shortly" she said as she followed the owner over to the 2 pieces that had sold. She smiled again.
"Katie here is the gentleman who brought your pieces"
"Mr Teller, this is the artist Katherine".

Raven looked over as she heard the name.

He was in a suite

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He was in a suite. She had never seen him a suite, not even at a funeral, he always wore his jacket.
"Katherine, your work is amazing. I saw these 2 pieces and I just had to have them what was your inspiration for these" he smirked as he spoke to her.
"Mr Teller, the larger piece your brought I called the Raven, and it's about heart break". She picked up a glass of champagne.
The owner had seen someone she knew and had wondered off.
"Why are you here, shouldn't you be with Wendy" she asked taking a sip of champagne.
"Raven, I broke up with her as soon as I knew you was back in Charming.  She knew you was in town, so only said that to get you to leave. It worked, and she has been dealt with. Can we go somewhere to talk privately?" he stepped closer to her.
"Please" he played with her fingers.

"Ladies and gentlemen all the pieces have been sold" Alex announced over the microphone.
Raven turned to face the stage.
"Katie can you come up on stage please" she turned back around to Jax and smiled.
"I'll be right back" Raven let go of his fingers.
The clapping started again as she walked up onto the stage. She could pick out Jax's loud claps, she smiled at him as she got on the stage. He looked so proud of her.

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