Chapter Three-Fake ID's and Society Girls

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Part Three

"Do we have fake ID's, Natalie?", Ellery asked.

"How much did it cost?".



"Yeah. It says I'm 'Tracey Holman', aged 18".

"You don't look like a Tracey".



The Jingle Belles Club was busy.

A burly guard checked their ID's.

He stood 7'2", 400 pounds, and wore gold bling. And he was African-American. "See those ID's, girls".


He perused the two ID's.

"Tracey Holman and Kelly Blaner. My ex wife was called Tracey. She was a Super-Uber sorority bitch; she was...Anyway, get in!".


And they bypassed the red colored carpet...and went through the flashing neon signs that lead through the dim front entrance where 566 teenage girls were dancing, drinking beer and champagne, and getting wasted in New everyone else was doing on Saturday evening...without their parents' knowledge where their children had gone to in the city that never sleeps.


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