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Okay so before we start. This book is copyrighted and purely non-fan fiction.

Xiména came down from the Lexus slowly and took in her surroundings. Her red hair fell down to her breasts. This was her first year in Cal U. She was ready to pitch her life here and forget high school, but of course, she couldn't do it alone. Xiména's  smile increased when she saw her three best friends striding towards her. They all hugged each other when they were at arms length.
"I can't believe we're freshmen is CAL U!!"  Zoe  screamed while turning round and they laughed.
"Hello girls. It seems like yesterday since we last saw" Mr Carter said with a cocky smile and the girls laughed.
"Because it was yesterday since we last saw Mr Carter" JC said in between the laughs.
"Ah I see." Me Carter took a look at his daughter "I learnt from your 10th grade that following you inside will cause both of us embarrassment so I shall be off now. Enjoy yourself, and call me if you need anything" He said before kissing Xiména's forehead. "Bye dad. Love you" she called after him while he drove off.
"Your dad is so cool Xiména. He didn't go on blabbing about how you should not smoke or drink or have boyfriends or sleep with people" Marisol said with so much admiration in her eyes.
"What makes you think that's cool?" Zoey asked
"Um.. because he isn't outdated." Marisol explained and Xiména took out the Cal U map. "Let's head to our dorms" she said carrying her  luggage and walking ahead of the rest.
"So what's your freshman resolution?" JC asked smiling.
"To be the top of my class and to have the perfect life" Zoey replied immediately and JC laughed.
"You can't be the top of your class Zo. This is college. And having a perfect life is impossible" she contradicted.
"At least it's better than Marisol's" Zoey grumbled and she twirled her dark hair.
"Really? What's so bad in wanting to have a good partner in college and moving in with him?" Marisol defended
"Mari do you have any academic goals?" Xiména asked her and she thought for a second
"No. I never plan for my academics, it comes whenever it needs to and I never fail, you guys know that." She answered
"Yeah, you never actually focused during class and you prefer to spend the night in a club than in your room reading but that was highschool, this is college." JC said with all seriousness. "Alright fine. I promise not to start college with boys." She agreed.
"So what about you JC?" Xiména asked as they entered the dorms. "The usual, balance social and academic life and have all the lectures on my side" she said with much approval.
"I just want to make my family proud" Xiména said softly and they stopped in front of Marisol's room. "A 345" she said slowly and tucked some parts of her blonde hair behind her ear. "See you guys later." She smiled at them before going inside.
"I'm so glad Mari chose to be a fashion designer" Zoey said when they went on.
"Why?" Xiména asked looking puzzled
"Because she probably might have flunked in the 'chemicals' department." They burst into laughter and rested on one another when they got to Zoe's room
"This is the first step into my chosen career, Botany." She took a deep breath and winked at the girls before entering.
"I think we are in the same room" JC said looking at her card. "That's great."
"Really great".

        Xiména sat down with her plate of samosa and looked at the rock and roll posters on the wall, she examined the room then, there were 3 beds, 3 tabletops and 3 extra spreads.
"JC. I think there's a third of us in here" she said out loud so that JC, who was dishing her own food could hear, she came out immediately and sat down near Xiména. "I couldn't care less, as long as my top bff is with me, I can face the world!" as soon as JC finished her sentence the doorbell rang. " That's probably what I thought" she murmured and turned to look at Xiména, her face carrying one expression...freaked out.
"Hey, I hope you bitches didn't touch my drinks" the drenched with alcohol woman walked in, she looked like a final year student.
"Oh definitely not" JC answered immediately,clearing the way for her to pass. "I'm Silvia."
"Hello" Xiména said, hiding her disgust.
Silvia took out a bottle of wine and gulped it in.
"Okay Xiména we have to dress for class" JC said getting up and grabbing her bag, "but classes start tomorrow"
"Then let's go see the girls."

Hello, hope you enjoyed my first chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

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