First day of school how fun: Mikan P.O.V

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I gasped in shock when my brother gave me his textbooks. "I won't be needing these and my precious twin shouldn't have to buy such expensive items." My brother said hands behind his head looking proud. I pulled him into a hug. He tried to break free.

"I would've got you new books but you know dad NISHISHISHI. Always crashing the car. What a swell guy." Kokichi fake cheered.

"Your lying about dad being swell right." Kokichi nodded. I got up to go to the bathroom but he noticed as swiftly ran in beating me. I looked through the books and they were a mess.

He had all kinds of comedy jokes and pictures in his book. He also had written a boys name down repeatedly. Suichi Saihara? It had hearts all over it. I cursed to myself and watched as he walked out of the bathroom. I got up and kicked his ass.

I looked at myself in the blue and white uniform feeling disappointed. My purple hair was an absolute nightmare. I had no time to straighten it so I put it in a ponytail. I put on a small bow and grinned. My brother was staring at the pile of books while touching his crotch. He looked at me with pure agony. " your books." He muttered and took his back. "What's with the accessory what a waste of money." He teased as he groaned in pain.

"It's really ...cute." I stuttered nervously and he shook his head laughing.

"What are you a prep of something." He teased. I threw a knife at him and he shut up. I watched as he began to eat breakfast. He picked up an apple and ate it. Our dad was in the fridge with the door wide open. So we probably have to buy new food.

"Schools starting soon brother we should get going." I shook him.

"Don't worry I will be there on time."

"That's a lie isn't it."

"It's definitely the truth." He said as he sat down and began to play games.

I rolled my eyes annoyed and began to run to school. I tried to fight my way onto a subway and regretted it. It was filled with people and I was surrounded by rude people.

I yawned and decided to make myself pancakes I slowly began the process while humming.

I felt kind of disappointed I was kind of late and the school guard Ishimaru was chasing late people and whipping them with his Gucci belt. It was only five more minutes until the gates would close.

I skipped outside happily and jumped onto my bike. I sang girls just want to have fun as I rode to school.

I walked nervously into the school. That's when a super pretty girl with light pink eyes and brownish blonde hair came up to me playing video games. She seemed to be in her own world. In her hair was a cute little rocket ship. "I'm Chiaki and I'm your classmate. Everyone told me to show you around since I don't get out much." The girl shrugged. I followed her in awe of how adorable she was.

🎶 I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle 🎶
🎶 I want to ride my bicycle 🎶

Me and Chiaki stood in front of the classroom. I was filled with absolute anxiety but the girl held my hand to comfort me. When we walked in two boys were running around the classroom laughing with water guns. I watched the chaos of the public school. Everyone was huddled in groups in their own circle. Chiaki played games as she led me to the back of the classroom to a seat next to her.

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