Dinner for two but not with you

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We won a contest for free dinner at the new buffet in town. The problem was there were only two tickets. I refused to go and eat dinner at a fancy restaurant with him.

"Fine I'll take Nagito or Saihara," he muttered.

"No I'm taking Junko."

"Don't waste a perfectly good dinner on that demon." He immediately grabbed the tickets and ran. He was about to jump on his bike but I tackled him and ran. I was almost to the bus when he got out a water gun.

"Give me those damm tickets or I will make them wetter than a pornstar."

The rest of the morning we fought for the tickets. As soon as we got to the school we fought in the halls. That's when Miss.Usami the school counselor came into our lives. She grabbed us both and dragged us to her office.

"I need to make up with Junko this is perfect!"

"I'm the reason we won those dang tickets."

"No more fighting children." The beautiful women responded. "Your supposed to love love each other. Not be meanies. How'd you even get those damm things."

Flashbacks of awful tweaking and other embarrassing dance moves.

"You don't want to know." I said instantly.

"We sucked some dick." Usami gasped!

"No we danced and won."

"Well you won these tickets with a competition. Why don't we play a little game." Usami jumped on her desk. "Whoever can get someone to go with them first wins!"

I dashed into the classroom and jumped onto my desk. Nagito was repeatedly rocking back and forth repeating the words HOPE.

"I got us two tickets to the new buffet." He didn't answer. That boy was in his own world. That's when something unexpected happened. Nagito stopped saying hope and had a shocked look.

A boy with Navy blue hair came into the room. I swear he was an angel. His golden eyes made me lose my breathe. He had an way of walking that was familiar. He was nervous. That's when I saw that ass. I immediately knew it was my boy.

"Sorry I'm late everyone not used to this hehe." SO CUTE.

"Excuse me sir I think your in the wrong class." Ishimaru said looking at the boy confused.

"I can assure you I'm in the right class." All the girls swooned over the boy and he had a look of pure horror.

"Hey my precious Shuichi.Your looking lovely my dear *٩(ˊωˋ*)و*" I said out loud and everyone looked at me like I was dumb.

"That's really nice Ouma. Can you stop flirting with me though?" Everyone went wild.

"Class president?????"

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