0. Prologue

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A plan whispered,
light footsteps heard,
a morning mist,
the tearing of fates,
a plan in action not without haste.

Mince along side his two friends had waited for a chance, in which they could finally leave this place and never have to come back.

Upon seeing a slight chance, Jaine who had purple hair almost tried bolting to the exit only to be preactively stopped by Kira. She stopped him right on time too, for a couple of the guards had just come walking by. All three waited for a bit longer until it was clear that the guards partoling this area were gone, at least for now.

Before they left the spot to leave, Jaine had looked to Kira, whispering in quiet voice, "What's our next step, Kira?"

Kira's response after a quick 'shh' was, "We're gonna bolt out through that secret hole on that fence and hopefully we'll be free, but if anyone spots us, I'll distract them."

They begun to go through a quiet, yet quick dash to the fence, Kira pointed out where the hole near the gate was and pulled a part of the broken fence up so that Mince and Jaine were able to fit through it.

Moments after Kira had gotten herself through the hole to the outside with Mince and Jaine, a guard's voice had loudly rung out.

"A prisoner is escaping!"

Kira had quickly turned to the two in alarm. "You two! Run!"

Mince tried to speak, "B- but what about--"

"Just run!" She snapped, "I'll catch up to you two!"

Jaine nodded, "Understood."

"b- but--"

Kira ran off in a different direction of the two, yelling things to get the attention of the guards off of Mince and Jaine.

Mince gazed on with concern, leaving it so that Jaine would end up grabbing his arm and dragging Mince along with him.

Mince tried struggling, but it didn't do much, "W- wait! We can't just leave Kira! Jaine?!"

"We'll come back for her! We just need to get someplace safe!" was Jaine's only response as he continued on running with Mince right behind him.

Mince was looking at him in shock for a moment, but went quiet and stopped trying to argue.

It didn't take too long for the two to find someplace to take some temporary shelter as they rested themselves up, but Mince still didn't like much the fact that they had to leave a friend behind. . .

There was a bit of a noise near the entrance of the small abandoned house that they were taking shelter in, Jaine and Mince's heads popped up, breaking their little amount of focus that they had, as there was the sound of footsteps entering the house.

The next thing the two knew, a shadowy figure was in front of them both. Grinning, it looked at both Mince and Jaine...

"I fooouuund yooou.~"

They were done for and they knew it.

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