3. Tomorrow

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Okay so, just a heads up, this part is longer than the others so far.
I awake from my sleep with a jolt, slightly confused on what I was just dreaming about. I didn't exactly know how I felt about that dream...

Was that Kira? IS SHE ALIVE?

I wasn't sure, the person in chains looked a lot like Kira though...so did her attitude.

Jaine stirred and yawned tiredly, "Damn it Mince, why are you up at possibly midnight?" He asked, looking at me.

"Oh, uh- no reason! I just had a bit of a nightmare." I responded with a smile.

He paused for a few moments before responding, "You're weird." He said with a confused look on his face, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back onto the couch. "We need to sleep."

Now I was the one with the confused look. "What do you mean, is there gonna be an event tomorrow?"

He rolled over so he was laying on his back. "Yeah, we're going somewhere. I didn't tell you earlier because I didn't want you asking about it."

"Wait, what! Where? Is the place fun?"

"You'll see tomorrow." He responded with a smile, "Get to bed now, I'm tired..." he paused to check the time "...and it's two in the morning." He finished and rolled to where his back was facing towards me.

"Okay, okay." I yawned. After a few minutes, I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to see that Jaine wasn't there. I was confused on why because he usually is awake an hour or so after I am. I got up from the couch, feeling slightly uneasy. "Jaine?" I heard no response. I looked at the time, it was 9:30 AM. "Hmmm...that's odd, he's usually here around this time." I had mentioned to myself.

I started looking around the house for Jaine and he was nowhere to be found, going over to the kitchen, I saw Jaine's keys on the counter. Fear started to fill my emotions, Jaine's coat and hat were gone, but his keys were here. I felt like something bad had happened and mentally started freaking out. "W- what happened...? He usually brings his keys with him when he leaves..."

Panic had started to course through me.

Was he kidnapped?

I paced around the house nervously, my fear growing worse. I checked the time a few times- No, constantly. I'm worried, where is Jaine?

About ten or fifthteen minutes later, I heard a knock on the door, along with a familiar voice. "Hey Mince, I forgot my keys, can you let me in?"

I took a few moments to breathe and try to calm down. He was shopping...that's all. I went over to the door, unlocking it then opening the door for him.

"Jeez, that took a minute, but thank you."

"..." I didn't exactly know how to respond. "Where...were you?"

Jaine put the groceries down on a table then looked over, "Oh, I was just shopping. Figured I'd wake up early enough to do so before you woke up."

I crossed my arms. "You're a jerk..."

"How so?"


Jaine took a moment before he realized "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

"It's, uh...fine, I guess."

Jaine walked over to me "I'm sorry again, I forgot you hate being alone!"

"It's...it's okay."

"Oh right!" Jaine remembered something and started putting the things he had bought away. "We gotta go see my friend today!"

"Is it that nice person?"

"Yeah, his name is Rakau. We made a promise that we would tell him what happened to us."

"Oh," was my only response, I didn't like the idea of going through those memories. So much pain...

"We were originally supposed to see him yesterday, but I had to push it off to today because of the fact that we ended up playing."

"Wait, we were?"

"Yep. Now we should get ready 'cuz we're going to have to leave soon."

"Oh, okay!" I dashed over to my room and started putting together some clothes to wear as I heard Jaine getting a few things outside of my room.

Around five minutes later, I exited my room in some new clothes that we had gotten a week ago.

Jaine had kept wearing his light brown coat that he was wearing earlier, but it looked like he had straightened out the clothes he was wearing. "Are you ready?" He asked, waiting for me at the door with his things.


"Okay then, let's go!" He opened the door and closed it after we both left the house. He locked the door.
I'm sorry it took so long to get this part out!

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