Chapter 7

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“Why did you kiss him, Levi?” Eli growls when we walk into our room.

I didn’t know why I kissed Ayden. Well, that’s a lie. I wanted to prove Eli I was over him. That’s a lie, too. Of course I’m not over the liking of Eli, but I can’t help it. I was just sick of Eli following me around like a lost puppy, and giving me attention like a mom to a baby. It gets annoying. It makes me feel vulnerable.

“Because I like Ayden. Is there a problem?” I blurt out and sit on the bed without making any eye contact with Eli.

I’m not quite sure if I actually do like Ayden. Sure, he’s a great friend, pretty attractive, but I probably wouldn’t want to date him or something. He’s more of a ladies’ man anyways.

Eli growls and paces around the room. I don’t see why this is making Eli so mad. I never got mad whenever he had a girlfriend, or had a girl over or anything.

“No, there isn’t a problem. But it wasn’t necessary to kiss him in the middle of the hallway.” Eli states and stands in front of me.

I shrug and look down at my lap. Maybe it wasn’t necessary, but the deed was done, and I did it. I can’t take it back. Besides, I don’t want to take it back. I don’t regret kissing Ayden. Yes, I feel bad for his new girlfriend, Alice, I didn’t mean to hurt her if I did.

“Well? What do you have to say for yourself?” Eli gets closer to me, almost sitting on top of me.

“Nothing I don’t regret what I did, okay, big brother?” I snarl and try to push him away, but instead, Eli gets on top of me smirking. “Get off!” I say shakily.

“Or what?” Eli teases and leans down, getting close to my neck.

I don’t move, I can’t say anything. Eli is so close to me, what can I do? Wait, he doesn’t like me, he just wants to use me, right? He thinks it’s disgusting that I like him, he even yelled at me. And now he’s being like this? Why? It’s discomforting. But I still like it.

“Eli, please.” I say quietly while gripping onto his shirt.

Eli quietly chuckles. “Beg.” He whispers and his lips connect with my neck.

I widen my eyes and gasp. Eli is kissing my neck. And he told me to beg him to stop. My throat is dry. My heart feels like it’s going to explode. I know I’m going to explode. Eli is doing so much, as to kissing my neck.

Why is he doing this to me?

“B-Beg?” I say shakily, trying not to moan.

“If you want me to stop, you have to beg.” Eli says against my neck and keeps kissing it.

I close my eyes tightly and bite my lower lip. I can’t have Eli knowing I like this. This is just so bizarre. Why is Eli deciding to do this now?

“S-Stop, please!” I let out a moan and weakly push his shoulders to get him away.

“You can do better than that, baby brother.” Eli whispers and nips me on the neck.

I gasp aloud and push Eli off with all my might. Luckily, he actually let go off. He glances at me surprised. I smirk in victory and sit back up on the bed.

“I was hoping to get more out of you, Levi.” Eli grins and comes back over to me.

Right then before Eli could get back on top of me, the door bell rings. Thank goodness.

“I got it!” I announce to Eli and immediately go to our bedroom door and leave.

Now I feel just weird. Some kind of sickness overwhelms me. Or is it that I feel guilty? I don’t know what I should feel at this point. Everything is so confusing.

I open the front door, and who appears in the doorway, is Ayden. What is he doing here? By now, I would think he would be with a girl or something, not on my door step.

“Uh – um, hey, Ayden.” I say and feel my heart beat speed up. Am I feeling nervous? With Ayden?

“Hey Levi!” Ayden smiles with a light shade of red covering his cheeks. “Can I come in?” I step aside and let Ayden walk in. “Uh – um, could we speak in your room, please?”

“Of course.” I smile and grab his hand. Blood rushes up to my cheeks, making them get covered by a deep red color.

Now, why am I blushing? I’m just holding his hand. I don’t like Ayden. We’re just friends. And that’s probably all we’ll ever be.

Then again, what if I do like Ayden? There won’t be any harm going on. There’s nothing wrong about it. I know my parents are fine with this whole liking the same gender deal. But, what about Eli? I can’t stand having Eli upset about anything. Wait, this is for me, right? Eli can find his own special person out there.

Ayden and I get to my room and Eli is sitting on the bed. He looks over when we walk into the room, and instantly glares at Ayden, making Ayden look down to the ground.

“Eli, I need to speak with Ayden privately. Please leave.” I say as nicely as I can, with a little bit of snootiness leaking into my voice.

“Fine, but no locking doors.” Eli growls and leaves while shutting the door behind him.

I smile and sit on my bed looking at a blushing Ayden. I don’t know why, but I’m excited to be in here with him, alone. But, it feels like I’m betraying Eli. Eli has seemed like he’s trying to give me a hint, but I can’t accept it. Is that so wrong?

Then again, Eli is my brother. On the other hand, Ayden isn’t. He isn’t anything related to me, just a friend.

“So, what did you need to talk to me about?” I ask and look over at Ayden, who is now sitting next to me.

Instead of receiving an answer, he places his hands on the side of my head and kisses me. Before I have enough time to collect my thoughts to be able to kiss him back, he pulls away.

“I left Alice for you. Be mine, Levi?” 

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