
632 22 1

October 1, 2006

I've always like broke things.

Discarded toys,

Chipped jewelry,

And abandoned people.

It's just who I am. Who I've always been. Because maybe I know I'm just a tad wonky myself? 

Seren is the only human in the entire world that truly gets this broken brain of mine. She's taken the time to learn the way it interprets and processes sound, making it our own language. She's learned the way a chirping bird lets a flickering yellow shake out of its beak, or a speeding car might make an aggressive orange wave as it zips on by. 

Every sound truly unique in it's color. Brilliant and beautiful in its own right.

Not everyone sees like I do. 

Not everyone hears like I do.

I wonder...

am I 

truly the 

broken one? 


is it 




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Tone Deaf | Skins (Gen 2) FreddieWhere stories live. Discover now