pinkes betrayal pt1

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Authors note: i forgot to mention The animatronics have fur on the parts that don't show their metal and their mains are like ones on real ponies too and that need to eat and can do other stuff normal ponies can do some of this info will be important later enjoy the story.

Flutter shy was eating pizza when suddenly she heard a Loud sound coming from the back room so she went to investigate. She heard the loud sound again, so she opened the door and said hello?? Help me an unfamiliar voice said. When she looked inside she saw 3 broken animatronics one was a black and white unicorn with 2 buttons on her chest and a purple main and tale the second one was an orange earth pony with a cowboy hat and and red bandanna and blond main and tale and last one wasn't a pony at all he was a jerconacas. ( it you have no ideas what that says it's basically discord I don't know how to spell the name of his species) he fell unconscious. Oh   my flutter shy said. She than ran to get help so she went to her leader pinkie and begged her to help the broken animatronics( pinkie in this universe used to be nice but something happened to her that made really mean)  at first she said no but then she thought though having a few more animatronics help perform. Pinkie then agreed to help fix them.
A few hours later................
Soon after the new animatronics woke up every one explained. But what happened to you 3 asked flutter shy. Discord sighed and said, we all used to perform at different restaurants but one day we were closed down and they scraped us and here we are now. Well you can preform with us flutter shy said. Yeah and we'll never ever scrap you like those other guys pinkie said. Over time every animatronic got together and flutter shy and discord even got married and had a daughter named screwball. ( ahem I would like to point out all the main six have kids too and their the same characters from harmony lives on and if you don't want to read that then just read the intro chapter and you'll know who the characters are) soon pinkie soon noticed that flutter shy and discord got more attention from children than her and that made her jealous so she eventually asked them to stopping performing but they didn't because they liked it. So pinkie then eventually scraped them( including screwball) and threw them in the back room. Luckily they survived. But had no idea what to do next.
Authors note: bum bum bum cliffhanger yeah I was gonna to make a little more but I'll make a part 2 since it's so long spark pony out.

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