Late nights and sore gums

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"My poor little one. Shh shh, it's ok. Papa will make it all better." Kagemura says as he gently pats and rocks his crying daughter in an attempt to calm her down. For some nights now sleep did not come easily to anyone within the manor. Though that is to be expected with a teething infant.

Signs of teething were how her little face was puffer than usual and red, irritable crankiness and excessive amounts of drool. Kagemura, being the first time parent that he was, mentally referred back to the countless parental books he's read. Which is why he's thoroughly washing his hands, not his main pair he's using to comfort his offspring, but his second pair when dropping his human disguise for his real one. "Only a bit longer, hime."

Finishes washing his hands and returns to his bed, repositioning Métis so she's facing him. Comfortably seated against the beds headboard he uses his extra hand to stick a finger in her mouth and runs it gently along her swollen gums. She still cries a bit, her wails muffled by her fathers finger. The longer he spends massaging her gums the less agitated she becomes until little hiccups are the only sounds she makes.

"There there precious one. All better now. The pain is only temporary. It means soon that your teeth will poke through. Then you will be able to enjoy all the yummy solid foods you've been missing out on."

Soft coos come from the now sleeping infant, tuckered out after crying so long, taking little nips at the appendage rubbing her gums.

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