Universe : Milky Way

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Have you wondered about our solar system? Where it must be located? At the centre of Milky way  or around some corner?

The people around the time of Aristotle used to think that solar system is in the middle of solar system and every planet revolves around Earth. Also they thought the Earth was flat.

But after doing research, Aristotle found out that our Earth wasn't a flat surface but a circle like object, although he didn't had many points to clarify himself we should know about he said to clarify his logic.

The Earth isn't flat he said, because if it was so then the eclipse happening should cover the whole Earth which doesn't happens that means, Earth isn't flat and also when you're at shore, you see the ship coming from the horizon rather than finding it from straight path.

But as Science wasn't well organised that time his thinking eas called trash. But yes, he also believed that Earth was in the centre of solar system.

The journey of universe beginning is unknown and so is the birth of Milky Way. The solar system is yes, a part of Milky Way but it's not in the centre of our galaxy. The center of each galaxy contains a super massive black hole which works as the calm centre of tornado. As a way, they keep all bodies inside a galaxy at their specific place.

After Aristotle came Galileo who clarified that Earth wasn't a flat surface but is circular in shape and all planets rounds the sun, but no one knew that the solar system isn't at a fixed point. The movement of planets around the Sun is in whirlpool shape with elliptical orbit.

Astronomy was never a one time absolute solution, it is a field which needs alot of precision and development is made through countless observations. A single change in space can break down those observation results, hence Astronomy was always refined and new theories were added in it.

Let's get back to our planet Earth. The further myths of our solar system was rejected by Sir Isaac Newton and his observation, which is today known as laws of motion.

The question then comes, how does motion affect our solar system and space? The answer is simple but is used in many of the upcoming places we are going to visit in this book.

To start it with a simple logic, the planets revolves around their own axis, but why? They do so because the gravitational pull of Sun is much higher than any of the planets in solar system, if the planets stop making a repulsive force back on Sun, it'll eat them all away. This is the reason planets rotate on their axis.

Sun is not the center of solar system, but it is a concentrated point or object which keeps all the planets held together in it.

Now as we have discussed the simple terms of space and Earth, let's move to our big home, the Milky Way.

According to researches and astronomers, Milky Way was born about 13.5 million years ago. The area of Milky way is 15k light years. After the birth of Milky Way, a small big bang started to act in it. The gases would react and collide, making huge explosion, dust and stars were born. It took many years for the formation of planets and Sun.

In a research of 20th century, it was said that some kind of meteorite flew past Sun because of which a part of Sun was detached from it and is known as planets. As I said, the planets and the Sun itself is moving in space, we see a new sky everyday.

But the interesting question is, why do they move? The answer is, the Milky is itself moving. The super massive black hole is just keeping Milky Way steady so it doesn't tear apart, but ignoring this fact we'd know space is filled with energy. The energy is the cause of motion in space, thus all the stars and planets  are moving around it.

Have you wondered about formation of Earth? Books says, the Earth at first was a burning object which on further cooling got cold and then it rained here for almost 100s of year. After that ocean were formed and living beings started to live in it. The first being were eukaryote cells and then multiple cellular organisms started residing the planet.

The land were underwater till the earthquake bought them up and continents were formed. The multiple cellular organism had the ability to live both on water and land, thus many of them came to live on land.

The first beings on surface were flies and lizards. It was a long process until the land was civilised by dinosaurs and mammoths. The early age were not very constant, as the mantle of Earth was still not cooled down, volcanoes erupted for years and every place was filled with dust. But don't worry, this eruption created new lands.

Although we are in Astronomy, we should know how well the nature made our Earth.

The book is going to take you in depth of space, I'd try my best to not use many formulas and equation in it and keep it fun.

Happy learning, thanks for reading.

In next part we'll discuss about mass extinction and recreation of Earth and as well the myth of Sun and Black Hole.

Adios ~

Showering Moon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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