Chapter two

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After putting Cole to bed, the rest of the ninja went up to the bridge again.

"He's not safe here." Kai said.

Lloyd nodded, "With the state that he's in, and the city, he's vunerable to anyone."

Jay thought for a moment, until he was positive a literal lightbulb light above his head, "But what if he wasn't in the city?"

They raised an eyebrow at him.

"Com'on, guys! Remember the last bad-good-bad-good guy we met? We sent him to the jungle! If we convince him, we may be able to persuade him to help look after Cole, if we send him to the jungle!"

You know," Lloyd started, "that idea isn't half bad."

"Yeah, this is a great idea and all, but, one minor problem." Kai said.

They looked at him expectantly.

"Do go on." Nya said.

"We have to get to the jungle in the most discreet way. But to get to the jungle, you have to go through the city, and I doubt a flying ship is discreet."

Zane spoke, "Perhaps we could put him in a cage, take our spare campers truck and get him through the city that way? It would seem that we were locking him up."

"Yeah, but wouldn't the people feel threatened if he was awake?" Nya asked.

"Well, we could tell Cole what's going on, then Zane could sedate him. We had to do it soon anyway."

This plan seemed to be the most suitable one, so they all agreed.


Once Cole had woken up, Zane had once again moved him to the bridge to explain the situation.

Zane was asking him health related questions while they walked to their destination.

"Have you been feeling dizzy lately?"

Cole nodded.

"Does it hurt to do anything in particular?"

Cole nodded and stated, "To breathe and to speak." He wobbled while walking.

Zane stood infront of Cole and held his shoulders, to steady him.

"I can't do much about the breathing problem, but if it pains you to speak, don't do it, okay?"

Cole nodded.

Zane continued to ask simple questions while he supported Cole to the bridge.

He was sat down in the chair again -which hadn't moved since last night.

The others soon arrived and greeted them.

"So, Cole, we decided that you're not safe here." Kai said.

Cole raised an eyebrow at them.

"What do you mean?" Cole went into a coughing fit immediatly after.

He couldn't breathe. He was going to die. Oh, god he was going to die.

"Cole! Listen, you have to just breathe, okay?" Zane told him. When Cole found he couldn't, the ice ninja sent Jay to get an oxegen mask from the first aid kit.

Zane was speaking to Cole and telling him to keep breathing when Jay came back.

The ice ninja took it from Jay then put it on Cole.

Eventually, the coughing slowly stopped, and the earth ninja could now breathe easier with the mask on.

They first had Zane check Cole's vitals before they explained the plan, how they would put him in a cage, sedate him, and pretend to take him to Kryptarium Prision or whatever but take him to the jungle instead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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