Chapter 1: Who Am I

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It was Jihoon's 18th birthday. The house was filled with the smell of his favourite dishes that his mum was making. His dad came back from work just in time as dinner was ready. 

"Jihoon! Stop playing games and come have dinner!" His mum yelled as she brought out the dishes to the dining table. 

"Alright! Coming in a sec after I win this... OK! GG!" Jihoon said as he put his headphone down and came out of his room.

Dinner went smoothly just as all his previous birthdays. After singing the birthday song and having the cake, his parents exchanged gazes and his dad brought out a small box.

"Is that my birthday gift?" Jihoon asked excitedly while still chomping down the chocolate cake.

"Jihoon, listen. This isn't just a gift, it is something really important and we thought that it was time for you to know." His dad said. His dad passed him the box and Jihoon opened the little box.

"A ring?" He asked as he looked at his parents. "What is this about? Why are both of you looking at me so seriously? Come on I am turning 18, not getting married." Jihoon said as he tried the ring on. As he put that ring on, his parents' gazes were fixed on it and there, it happened. The ring magically disappeared into thin air as soon as it was on Jihoon's finger.

"WHAT THE-" Jihoon exclaimed as he stood up so quickly that the chair fell backwards onto the floor. 

"Jihoon, calm down. We know that this might be hard to accept but you have to listen to us very carefully." His mum said as she gets Jihoon to sit back down again.

"No no no, what is this! It just disappeared! Mum what is happening!" Jihoon said as he touched his finger and tried to take that ring off. 

"What we say now is really important. Remember that your mum and I used to go on business trips when you were young? It was actually work from the Vampire Protectors. We are part of the Vampire Protectors." His dad said as Jihoon was still trying to process the ring's disappearance.

"Wait, what are you saying? What Vampire Protectors? Is this some kind of hidden camera prank? The ring, it is magic right? Ha ha ha, can you please stop it now?" Jihoon said.

"No, Jihoon this is reality. Many years ago, our ancestors married vampires and now we have vampire blood in us, and this makes us Vampire Protectors." His mum explained. "Vampire Protectors protect vampires and make sure that they blend into the human world. If a vampire violates the rules or commits a crime, we take them into custody and we solve cases." His mum continued.

"We know this is a lot to process but you are 18 now, and this is what you are meant to do." His dad said.

"So... you... are telling me that... I am meant to do what?" Jihoon said as he looked at his parents with a confused look. "How the hell am I supposed to just accept what you are saying? First the ring vanishes into thin air and now you are telling me that I am a Vampire Protector?!" You hid it well for the past 18 years, why are you telling me these now?!" Jihoon said as he stood up and went to his room while still in shock.

His parents looked at each other and they had expected this reaction from Jihoon, an 18 year old teenager that wants nothing but a normal life and dreamt of being a police officer. 

Back in his room, Jihoon was lost, he did not know what he was feeling - betrayal that his parents hid this huge load of information from him for 18 years, anger that he had no choice but to accept this, confused that he had no idea what he was anymore, sad that his normal life was ruined, shocked that this was actually really happening to him, this was not a fantasy story and that vampires really existed.

Just then, his parents' phones sounded. "HIGH ALERT - VAMPIRE PROTECTORS"

"Jihoon, we need to go now." His dad came to his room and said.

"Go? Where to? To your Vampire Protectors building?" Jihoon said.

"Jihoon, please we really need to leave now. We will explain everything to you on the way." His mum said as she started to help Jihoon pack a bag.

"NO! I am not leaving to anywhere! This is all so... absurd." Jihoon said as his phone vibrated. He looked at his messages and "HIGH ALERT - VAMPIRE PROTECTORS" popped out.

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