The Ladies Love A Badboy

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WOW Two Updates in one day? *makes explosion sound*


CARSWELL THORNE laid down in the jail cell, throwing a bar of soap into the air and catching it in one hand. He had almost gone unnoticed, until a little runt had called him out and started a fistfight. He touched the bruise on his jaw and winced, then chuckled. Ladies love battle scars. And a cocky bad boy. Check, and check. He could imagine young ladies ogling his mugshot. A crank sounded, and the grinding of metal made him shrink back.

"Time to go." A gruff voice sounded. Thorne rose an eyebrow. The guard glared at him. Stretching, he stood up from the bed, a loud groan coming from the metal springs.

"You guys seriously need to upgrade these beds. I wasn't expecting a Tempurpetic. but two metal scraps and blankets aren't exactly comfortable." The guard mumbled curses under his breath, and ushered Thorne out.

They followed a long corridor, stopping when the sun's bright light shone onto Thorne's face. He knew where he was. He was surrounded by fellow prisoners. The metal door behind him slammed shut, catching the attention of all other inmates in the area.

"Minus well blow an airhorn while you're at it," Thorne mumbled.

They all glared at him, a few of them cracking their knuckles. The men and women took steps toward him, until his back hit the brick wall.

"Hey guys, it's just a piece of soap! We're not really going to fight over this, are we?" Thorne laughed nervously. Well, at least he'll have more scars. If he survived, that is.

One of the closest men, a tall man of pure muscle, came closer. His fist collided with Thorne's face, and all he saw next was black. 


Hey Guys!

I honestly love Thorne, I mean CAPTAIN! And that punch didn't even leave a scar! *shakes head*

After all, who didn't love his character?

Who's your favorite?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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