chapter 3

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Louis POV

I sighed and put my beanie on to cover my ears cuz it was cold and pulled out my phone and dialed Harry's number.

I put the phone up to my ear and it rang a couple times



Ri- "hello?" A dark raspy voice answered, and god I've never heard a voice so- ugh stop it Louis

"Um... uh h-hi.... is t-t-this Harry?", I asked

"Yes... who is this?" , he replied. His voice was raspy and deep and it sounded like heaven.

"Its Louis, from your English class." I said while I was walking to my house

I dont have a car. I live in a small house with my peice of shit, alcoholic and abusive father.

"Oh yeah, erm, do you wanna work on the project at my house or yours?", He asked

"You can choose", I replied

All i started saying in the back of my head was, "please say your house, please say your house, please dear god say your house"

"How about we work at your house?" he said after a brief pause


"Oh erm, yeah we can do that, that's fine", I replied

No it's not

"Okay, I'll see you say around.... 6:30?"

"Sure", I said trailing off.


I sighed and hung up really fast.

What the hell am I gonna do

I got to my house and went inside and sat down. Not soon after, my dad came in, drunk off his ass and slurring on his own words.

"Hey dad, I have someone coming over for an English project", I said

He snapped his head to the side, looking me up and down then said "who", in a deep, horrific voice.

I shivered a little but didnt let him see, goosebumps rising on my arms. "WHO", He yelled raising his voice, dropping his beer bottle on the ground, causing it to break.

"A c-classmate in m-m-my English class", I stuttered. "His n-name is Harry", I gulped.

Without another word said he walked over twoards me and slapped me, right in the face, my eye bruised quickly and a hand print was left. My cheeks flushed to a bright red and tears filled my eyes as he walked outside and to his car and drove off.

I sat on the couch, confused, puzzled while touching my face, a little blood started dripping onto my hand. Then I heard the doorbell ring. It must be Harry. I wiped my face and took a breath to look like I havent been crying, then I answered the door.

"Hello Louis" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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