Infinity War

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I'm feeling the angst today~ so here's this monstrosity we all just looooooove (and cry at-)
I was debating long and hard to do this but I finally figured why the heck not!
So, a few things I'd like to note:
☆Firstly, because this is major depression here, this is a chapter where you can make the kiddos older (like pre teens or teens) but you don't have to, mine will probably depend on how I'm feeling.
☆Secondly, I'd like to know where your OC is. Are they on Earth with someone, are they with the Guardians, on Titan, do they go with Thor- bottom line, there's a lot of places and a lot of characters so I need to know.  (Just a heads up, Julian goes on the flying doughnut, later landing on Titan, Vito is with Peter, and Bapoto actually gets put with Shuri).
☆I'll need to know both the first and second point when you ask.
☆Kinda a follow up to the second point, I don't have perfect memory so some scenes and dialogue will be off a bit. Sorry in advance.
☆Last note, I'd really appreciate it if you could play some other characters too, I'm not saying you have to do all, but if I have to, I'm probably gonna have longer messages since I do not only include actions and dialogue but thoughts and feelings too.

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