New OC

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If you haven't seen Spiderman: Far From Home I wouldn't suggest looking at this OC. You have been warned.

♡Name: Gideon Malix Ebenezer Beck

♡Nickname(s): Giddy, sweetums, teddy

♡Age: 4-7 (usually)

♡Gender: Male

♡Family: Quentin Beck (Daddy (biological)), Rosa Carline (Mommy ((biological)(deceased)), (depending on the scenario he may see Happy or Tony as an Uncle figure due to being with Julian a lot) (if the scenario calls for it, he may see the members of Quentin's group as Uncle and Aunt figures possibly)

♡Personality: Just as his nickname suggests, he's very giddy and easily excited. He has a very hard time being still. He's actually very well behaved. He has a lot of hobbies so thankfully he's rarely ever bored. He's very flexible and has a tendency to show off or brag a lot. He gets distracted rather easily and loves to make friends. He's very, very energetic too. He trusts people pretty easily. He's a very playful boy and likes to argue out of humor. He can be impulsive on his decisions meaning he can regret things that he decides. He's rather protective of most things that he adores including his family and friends, this is why he has Tiny, it really shows off a protective, almost fatherly aspect of the little boy as he often treats Tiny very gently as if taking care of a real baby. He throws a huge fit if Tiny is taken away. He admittedly struggles a little with sharing his toys. Like his father he has a bad tendency to get easily grumpy and embarrassed. He also hates when he has to stop things if they aren't finished.

♡Looks: Dark burnette hair, kept shoulder length. His eyes are blue but it can seem darker or lighter depending on his outfit. He has a bracelet he refuses not to wear, it's a golden chain with a locket like piece that dangles from it with a quote from a Christmas Carol engraved in it, it was his mother's when she was young.

♡Likes: Swimming, gymnastics, running, dancing, history, parks, pandas, fish, dogs, playdates with Julian, dinosaurs, Tony Stark, traveling and vacations, peanutbutter, lava lamps, adventures, museums, static electricity, photos, ice cream, rocks, crossing his eyes, electricity and technology, cuddling with daddy, being carried, the movie A Christmas Carol.

♡Dislikes: Storms, doctor's appointments, closets, white clothes, cats, being alone, people bringing up his mom, getting sick, spiders, elevators, horror movies, science, hot dogs, scary stories, his first few steps outside because the sun hurts his eyes, the spiral shape or pattern, English and writing, ballet, pull ups, the Frankenstein story, when daddy works late nights or gets obsessive, not finishing things. 

♡Backstory: His mother worked for S.H.I.E.L.D.. She was hired to get close to Tony Stark and managed her way into his research team. It was there she got close to Quentin. She soon found herself falling in love with him and him in love with her and they soon started to date. They dated for about a year and a half until Quentin proposed to her. Their marriage was postponed though because a week later she learned she was pregnant. They both were ecstatic for their baby. Rosa, in secret from Quentin, quit her job at S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect her family and permanently become a part of the research team. This information was never disclosed though, so, the night Gideon was born a Hydra agent disguised as a nurse put poison in the medicine she took ultimately killing her before she could ever be married (the reason her last name isn't Beck). Quentin thought Tony was to blame making his hatred for him grow, Tony wasn't aware though (or was so used to people not being fond of him) and so didn't cate/notice, however Julian was put into Tony's care a year later and so he willingly let Quentin bring Gideon over to play with Julian. This continued until Gideon was about 8 when Tony fired Quentin and that was the final nail in the coffin of Quentin's hatred towards Tony.

♡Weaknesses: Very trusting, his blue eyes are naturally more sensitive to sunlight, rather impulsive, very easily distraced.

♡Comfort item: His bracelet and his toy panda named Tiny (it's a fur real alive panda toy).

♡Fear(s): Being alone for long periods of time. Closets especially but any enclosed spaces. Lightening. Needles. Spiders. 

♡Favorite color: Green

♡Bad habits: Sticking his tongue out, kicking and picking up rocks, dancing randomly, sometimes still wets the bed at night.

♡Snack Time Favorite: Celery with peanutbutter and raisins or ice cream

♡Trivia/Other: He is very close friends with Julian.
He can cross his eyes and has a tendency to show that off.
He was in ballet when he was 3 but wasn't as interested in it.
He has 8 pet fish Daisy, Duke, Winston, Princess, Larkin, Pearly, Leon, and Carlos and 2 water snails, Carol and Jane.
His favorite song is Teddy Bear by Elvis Presley, it was his mother's favorite and his grandfather on his mom's side favorite song too, if he's going to listen to a song for a lullaby, he always requests that one but he does like the Cuppy Cake song too, especially if Quentin sings it to him.
May or may not have a childish like crush on Julian.

♡Movie: N/A

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