♖ The Rules ♜

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In order to play with what lies within

The Vault

certain rules are to be followed.

1. No God-Modding.
➤No killing my OCs.
➤No controlling their actions.

2. About the form:
➤ Fill the form, wait for it to be accepted
➤ Use ONE comment and continue in same thread.
➤Not accepting incomplete forms.
➤Not accepting "Find out" in the forms
➤ Include your RP preference:

3. Be Descriptive.
➤No need to mirror me, but be descriptive.
➤No "One-Liners" allowed.

4. Have a Complain/Suggestion? Talk to me.

-Three main options:
➤ Plot
➤ Random Starter (From me)
➤ Random Starter (From you)


➤ Characters are Single Shipped. Once taken they are committed to the other Writer's OCs.

➤ Requests: Requesting a specific Oc is NOW allowed. Submit a request below in the comments.

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