Chapter 8: There's More to It Than You Know

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I'm feeling generous so I updated.

Before you proceed, I would like to emphasize that I don't know much about how the yakuza works so the "rules" of Red Lions I placed in this chapter and the succeeding chapters are all a fragment of my imagination. So if you find it different from what your idea on Yakuza is, I'm sorry.

Also, I forgot to point out that this story is rated PG-13 because of violence and because there's a lot of cursing and all that. You have been warned.

Have fun reading!!!! And if you want to say something, please do comment. I love replying to comments :)


            If that idiot doesn't stop that teasing look he's giving me, I swear he's gonna have to say goodbye to his private parts.

            Ayako was pissed-off enough already, she really didn't need Dong Min's occasional not-so-subtle glances. The guy had been her suitor since a long time ago but she thought he would lose interest in her the moment he discovers that she wasn't the lady-like 'doll' the school thought she was.

            Apparently she's wrong.

            Well, Dong Min did stop courting her but now he seemed interested in pairing her off with Eiji.

            “Speaking of the devil.” She narrowed her eyes when the reason of her sour mood walked towards her. Of course, she kept her smile to cover that up and besides, no one could tell since she just wore her sunglasses.

            She waved at him in a friendly way. “Hi Eiji!” Again, it was all for show.

            Eiji smirked like he knew exactly what she was thinking. She wouldn't put it past him to actually know that. He had somehow always managed to read her like an open book since they were kids. It infuriated her to no end.

            When Eiji was standing right in front of her, his hand reached out to the top of her head.

            He's going to ruffle my hair!!

            Out of reflex and habit, she tried to snatch his hand but he was faster and moved it away from her. She removed her sunglasses and threw it somewhere before eagerly going forward to lunge at him and try to tackle him. Her competitive spirit wouldn't let him win that easily.

            Eiji laughed and she grinned. It was just like the old times. When they trained together when they were kids, she felt light and happy. It was only until her father started comparing the both of them that she stopped enjoying those trainings. But before that, she had fun everytime she and Eiji did sparring together.

            She was about to crouch into her fighting stance when she heard gasps. She turned around and felt like a bucketful of ice was dumped on her.

            I was about to freaking go into my fight stance in the school field where the whole damn school can see me! Holy shit!

           The panic must have been clear in her eyes because Eiji immediately gathered her in his arms and exclaimed loudly, “Great Aya! You managed to reenact that martial arts film perfectly! You're really one hell of an actress.”

          Ayako knew that the last line was a jab at her but she couldn't care less at the moment because fortunately, people bought Eiji's line.

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