Chapter 1

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They said the camps were safe, a place where children would get the help they needed. It was all a lie, we were told what to do and when to do it, we worked all day and the guards never let any of us out of their sight. It reminded me of the sweatshops I learned about back in 9th grade, the only difference is that we were kids. My name is Blake Grey and I was a red. Reds were one of the more dangerous colors, it wasn't as high as Orange but it was right below it. The the called disease that was named by the I.A.A.N gave my color pyrokinesis which was the ability to manipulate fire. Before use our eyes turned glowing red and fire radiated through our skin, we could project it out our mouths, eyes, and hands, but the guards mad it come out of our mouths only. The adults were scared of what I could do so instead of making us work with the other kids we were trained for combat and used as animals. What I mean by that is they kept leashes around our neck and when we weren't needed we were on chains and they put bags on our heads. I wasn't some rabid dog and I was planning my escape.

The guards usually had us separated into our colors even though I was the only red the kept alive in the camp but it was different today, they had us mixed together walking through the camp not knowing what was going on when a loud noise pierced my eardrums. I covered my ears hoping that it would do me some good, it became so bad that I fell unconscious

Wasn't going to release this today but I wanted to see how it'd do, it'll be based off the movie but not exactly the same on all parts

The darkest minds: RedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang