the death of Jughead prologue the light of Riverdale

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Jughead p.o.v
Dying is weird one minute your there and your body is wracked with pain and all you can think about is pain and the next minute you feel peace I remember looking down and seeing the doctors performing CPR on me and finally Dr.Guthrey saying call it time of death 10:03 PM and him shaking his head, pulling my parents aside and my mom crying Archie collapsing and Mom comforting him I saw my funeral and how Archie placed one of my beanies on my head and mom giving Archie another on of my beanies I saw on the day of Highschool graduation Archie giving a speech on drunk driving and my parents receiving my diploma and Archie Proposing too Veronica and them having their first child Juliana Piper  Andrew's she goes by Piper and their second child Parker Jughead Andrew's he goes by P.J and their 3 child Abigail Reese Andrews she goes by Abby I wish I could've been there for all of it my. friends and family healed it took a while but they healed they still think about me all the time but they learned to move on.

Archie p.o.v
Every time I walk by Pops , the skate park, the high school, the bakery the hospital I think of him for a while I was depressed and the only people I could talk to were Veronica Jugs mom and the person I wanted to talk to the most I couldn't talk to because he was gone but now instead of pushing the memories away want to hold onto them cherish every moment I had with Jughead alive or dead Jughead Jones is my best friend and I was so lucky to have

Betty p.o.v
For months after Jugs death it was like  torture almost everything we walked by had some memory associated with Jughead. Life was awful ,in school Mrs. Grundy would be teaching a class and start crying all of the sudden,  I'd babysit for Jellybean and she'd just talk about how much she wished Jug were there, Pops Choklit shop just wasn't the same without Jug there after school every day, every time we hung out Archie would stare at the empty spot where Jug would fill with his eyes welling up with tears but slowly we healed we were able to talk about Jughead and Archie visits his grave to talk to him every Friday life isn't the same without Jughead Jones but at least its life again

Forsythe p.o.v
When my son died I buried myself in my work so I wouldn't have to come home to a house that seemed too empty for us I'd be crying a lot while working too it got so bad that my boss noticed he didn't know about Jughead
"Forsythe your working too much and alot of the papers your giving me has tearstains what happened tell me or your fired" He said
I didn't want to tell him but if I lose my job I wont have an escape
"My son" It was all I could say before I  almost cried I can't cry in front of my boss
"Jones what about your son" he gently coaxed
"Was in a car accident caused by a drunk driver  and he uh died" I said don't cry don't cry don't cry
"Oh Forsythe I know how you feel"
"You do?" I asked not convinced
"My daughter died she was killed by a drunk driver 25 years ago her name was Riley and she was 14 I made the same mistake you did I poured my grief into my work I wasn't there when my wife and sons needed me the most her brother's were devastated and my wife was crushed but I was shattered completely shattered and my marriage ended and I became an alcoholic and it took years for me too come out of it  so Jones I'm giving you 4 months off with full pay because I'm rich and you should  be with your family you'll heal faster"

My boss was right I did heal it took a while but I did and it took a year but I
Could look at his picture without collapsing in tears

Gladys p.o.v
After Jughead died Jellybean and I hardly ever saw Forsythe leaving Jelly  almost without parents because I'd just sit all day in my room I guess I still had motherly instinct because I always made sure Jellybean had a place to go she'd stay at Archie's most of the time although Archie was not too much better than me he was the closest thing she had too a brother and I made sure Hot Dog got fed
I kept thinking I hear Jug in his room and for a second I'm filled with hope   until I realize he's gone and it's like the whole world is on my shoulders every morning I wake up thinking it was a nightmare but then I look at his hat on my nightstand I realize it's not a nightmare but when Forsythe got 4 months off he gently got me out of my depression well kinda instead of sitting in my room I'd sit in Jugs room which was an improvement I guess and he started dragging me to a support group of parents who's kids died There were the Virgo's and Charlie (Laura's boyfriend who was also devastated and their wasn't a dead girlfriend support group)  whos daughter, Laura died at the age of 20 of Cystic Fibrosis 
The Smith's who had lost their son, Chip due to suicide at the age of 41 after his wife and daughter died
The Clark's who's daughter Abby, died in a school shooting at the age of 11
Mr.Larkson lost his daughter in a asthma attack
The Cliffs lost their daughter Sophie in a car accident at the age of 14 and shortly after their son Marcus killed himself in grief at the age of 20
The Parksons whose adopted daughter Lizzie died in a fire at the age of 15 the same day Jug died 
The Avoy's whose son Jack died  in a tornado at the age of 19
The Hamons whose daughter Amber died of Leukemia at the age of 16 the same day that Lizzie and Jug died
And of course us The Jones who lost their son at the age of 17 in a car crash
We all went through the same experience all of our kids have died we all experienced grief and we sent Jellybean to a support group of kids whose sibling died
Lily age 13 whose sister Avery age 7 died in a car crash (Lily also got paralyzed in that crash, her parents were in a different support group survived with nothing more than a couple of broken bones)
Isaiah age 15 whose sister Hannah age 17 died when her appendix burst he was very sad by this and angry at the doctors
Collin age 15 whose brother Ollie age 14  died from Cystic Fibrosis
Joseph 8, Kleo 9, Cole 3 and Luke 13 whose sister Gwen age 12  was hit by a car
Jason age 14 and Liz 15  who's sister Isobel 16 fell out of a tree and cracked her head open retrieving Jason's kite
And Leah 19 whose sister Paris 13 was kidnapped and never found
I thought of moving leaving all the memories of Jughead behind but Forsythe and I talked and decided Jughead wouldnt want us to move so we healed the old fashion way and after a while we cleaned out his stuff keeping the things that we needed to remember him like his hat and art work and giving some stuff to his friends  and some to family we tried giving some  to charity but we just couldn't we couldn't bear the thought of some stranger using Jugs stuff and as time happens through connecting with people who love Jughead almost as much as we did like The Andrew's especially Archie and Mary,  and People who shared the same grief in losing a child like the Virgo's and the Clark's and even though a day doesn't go by were I miss him horribly I moved on and so did Betty, Archie, Forsythe, Veronica, Jellybean oh and Hot Dog moved in with Jellybean you can tell he misses Jug we all moved on and remember how lucky we were to have Jughead Jones in our life Jughead the light of Riverdale will shine on forever .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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