the death of Jughead part 9

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Archie p.o.v
I couldn't sleep last night I kept thinking of him, the monitors his cardiac arrest the overwhelming grief when I learned he died it was on my birthday too Happy Birthday Archie here your best friend died isn't that the best present ever. My birthday it was my fault if I didn't want a party or if I was born on a different day or if I wasn't born at all. I heard the doorbell I didn't want to answer it but  mom and dad were with the Jone's
So I was shocked when I saw Mrs. Jones on the door step
"Mrs. Jones?'
She looked so much like Jughead it was painful her eyes were swollen  and even though Jug only doed 3 days ago she looked like she hasn't slept in weeks  and she looked about 10 years older
"Hi Archie" she said
"I'm sorry about Jughead" I said with a shaky sob I couldn't even say his name without crying
She had a wrapped box
" this was his birthday present to you"
I opened it with trembling fingers
It was a picture of us together Jug was smiling and holding Hot Dog on a leash not yet realizing that Hot Dog was eating his burger I was laughing and watching Hot Dog eat the burger that was so much fun I realized with a heavy heart that we wouldn't have any more moments only memories
I held back a sob
"He was like my brother you know"
"I know"
"And you were always like a second mother"
"You were like a second son"
"Archie I have one more thing for you"
She handed me a crown just like the one Jug used to wear
I stared at it in shock
"B-but we buried him in it didn't we?"
"He had three he'd want you too have one"
"Mrs. Jones I can't accept this is the one thing that has the most memories"
"Archie do you know how hard it is I keep calling Jug for breakfast and then I remember he's not coming he'll never come again,  I walked by his room when I got home from the hospital seeing his things and his bed that he'll never sleep in, I think about the family he'll never have, in the summer all the proud parents with their kids receiving their high school diplomas I wont  be one of them not for years, I've closed the door too his room I've overturned every family portrait every picture with Jug this hat is too hard to keep in the house besides we still have hot dog and we don't need two hats"
"Mrs Jones it's my fault"
"How Archie? You weren't that drunk truck driver"
"He was picking up my birthday cake if he hadn't of he wouldn't have gotten in that car crash"
"Oh no honey no no no it's not your fault it's no one's fault except for that driver Jug was just in the wrong place at the wrong time"
I burst into tears I fell too my knees realizing that that picture was the last present I'll ever receive from Jug Mrs. Jones knelt on the ground beside me and hugged me stroking my head and we cried together until mom and dad came home they walked into the room and mom joined the hugging and crying
" Mom he was my brother now hes gone"
"Oh Archie I know sweetie I know he was like a second son too me I loved him too"
"Archie I just wanted to thank you" said Mrs.Jones
"For what?"
" for making my son happy"
"Your welcome Mrs. J

the death of Jughead Based OnArchie Comics NOT RiverdaleWhere stories live. Discover now