Blossoming Friendship

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Prequel series to my story Potential

'I don't usually conform, but I've found myself doing that recently and I'm absolutely baffled by that. I'm conforming to love. This desired but also undesirable feeling that I'm having issues with getting used to. Lort! (1) And with all my attempts of seeing this in an analytical sense...I still can't comprehend it. I do not even understand it. It's something so foreign to me. I dislike it - it is a disruption. But, I enjoy it. Everything she does is so gracious - so distinct, so ... beautiful. And oh how she is. I'm suprised she hasn't caught me staring at her. But, enough of that now. It's time to get back to rationality - to thinking properly, to understanding and comprehending.' -A snippet from Denmark's diary.

A young schoolgirl, following an everyday scenario, making an effort to overcome life's little hurdles. That's how you were and that's how you thought of it...

That thought slightly changed when you met Matthias - the Danish boy from the bus stop who tried to self-publish a book at the young age of 17. There was no shortage of confidence within him. He was absolutely positive he'd get his book onto the market. But, his hopes was crushed all too soon, when he could no longer fund the payments for his book. He was rather ambitious...

Seeing this rather sad boy standing beside you at the bus stop made you feel inclined to ask what was wrong. So, you did. There on the spot, the teen vented out to a stranger girl who had the curtesy to care.

From then on, a great friendship blossomed. Each and every school day, you and the Dane would take the bus home together from your separate schools, sharing life's little stories on a 15 minute bus ride home everyday.

That was a year ago. Matthias and you remained good friends, if not the closest of friends. With studies, it became increasingly difficult to see him everyday. But you managed to see him often, and that was all that mattered.


Danish to English Translations

(1) Shit!


More soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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