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A month later..

I set the last couple of boxes in my room and looked around. This was it, my new home. The house that i'd be raising my kids in. I smiled as i watched the movers come in and set a white couch down.

Anthony:" hey babe!"

Stacie:" yea?"

Anthony:" we live together now " he smiled

I laughed " i know, its crazy "

Anthony:" i love you!"

Stacie:" i love you too"

Anthony:" and you three!" He tickled my stomach

Stacie:" alright alright, thats enough"

Anthony:" are you hungry? Ill make you something"

Stacie:" yea, surprise me!"

We went down to the kitchen and started going through the boxes for pans, but first lets fill you in on whats happened the past month; im now four months and two weeks pregant and people are starting to get curious! The dance competion was a huge success! We came second place and ten parents sighned their kids up for next season! Oh and i just moved in to my dream house, hurray! Now, back to the present

We sat on the couch and watched tv as we ate fries and chicken strips, my fav. I looked around at all the boxes in the living room then at Anthony.. For once in my life im genuinely happy, and im loving it.

Anthony:" done?"

Stacie:" yea. I was gonna go fix the bed upstairs "

He took my plate " its alright, Imma do it. You just relax "

Stacie:" are you sure? "

Anthony:" positive!" He said as he went in the kitchen

Stacie:" .. I could help if-"

Anthony:" - no, relax "

I laughed as he went up the stairs. after like five mintues i got bored and called my mom

Ma:" hello?"

Stacie:" hi ma "

Mia:" hey sweetie, whats up? "

Stacie:" im bored "

Ma:" bored! Shouldn't you be unpacking? "

Stacie:" i was going to but Anthony wont let me "

Ma:" awee! Thats so sweet "

I rolled my eyes " not really "

Ma:" alright how about you come over and we go for a walk "

Stacie:" sure! See you in ten "

Ma:" okay "

I hung up and grabbed a pair of flip flops out of one of the boxes

Stacie:" Anthonnyyy!!!"

Anthony:" yyeeaaa??"

Stacie:" im going to my moms! Ill be back later!"

Anthony:" iight, drive safe!"

I grabbed my car keys and drove to my moms, i was there in 15 mintues.

Stacie:" maa!"

Ma:" im right here! Damn" she said coming down the stairs " come on "

We stepped out the house and started walking down the street, man is it hot out here! But i much rather be here with my family

Ma:" you know hun, im very proud of you "

Stacie:" why? "

Ma:" well.. I know you went through a hard time after divorcing jacob but you got through it. Now you have a baby on the way, you moved into your dream home and your finally opened your studio! You were determined to switch your life around, and you did! "

Stacie:" yea.."

I sighed, i never really told my mom the whole story when i got home- about me sleeping with chres- she would never look at me the same. I have too close of a bond with her to ever let that happen. But its all in the past now..

Ma:" do you think your having a girl or a boy?"

Stacie:" i really dont know.."

Ma:" i want a boy "

Stacie:" Anthony wants a girl"

Ma:" seriously!?"

Stacie:" i know right!"

Ma:" either way, you two are going to be great patents! "

Stacie:" thanks ma "

I smiled as we continued walking and talking, I love my mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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