Who are you again?

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I remember waking up the cause of soft light, and the singing of birds. I groaned sitting up my head was throbbing in total and utter pain. It felt like someone had taken out my brain, and put it in a blender just for the fun of it.

I couldn't remember how I'd gotten here or how ended up with this blasted headache. I looked around absorbing what I was seeing there were trees, a lot of them so a forest or a grove at the least. With a small river going maybe four steps to the right for me.

I stood up with jello legs looking at my clothes. I was in black ripped pants with a TØP shirt? What was TØP I have no idea the only thing I could think of was my name? Kara, that was is but my last name was forgotten too I patted my pants off where am I?

I went over to the river it was crystal clear with a tint of blue. I noticed a black choker with a single moon hanging down from my reflection. I lightly touched it and I felt a surge of something go through me, but then stopped a second later.

I took a sip of the water then stood up I needed to find someone or something. I jumped over the river and kept walking and soon I found a pathway I took it looking down the path there was no one on it.

I stepped out onto the path and followed it and maybe half an hour later I saw a house made of wood. I went up to it and was about to knock when I heard an old ladies voice ring in my ears. "No need to knock on the door, dear, I'm right here." I jumped slightly and turns around and to my surprise, I saw an old woman with gray wold ears and a tail I had a hard time speaking from the surprise. "I-I'm so s-sorry to i-intrude it's just t-that I have no i-idea where I am!" She wakes up to me took one swift look at me and the necklace and for a second I thought I saw the yearning in her eyes but must have imagined it. She sighed "deary you don't know where or who you do you?" I looked at the ground fighting back the tears of the overwhelming feelings and slowly I nodded. She lifted my chin then slowly nodded "follow me, dear." I hesitated for fear of why but pushed my thoughts aside and followed her in. We entered her house. Right, when I had stepped in the door everything had gone black.

When I woke up again I had my hand tied to a metal stake being me. I struggled with difficulty but to no avail. Couldn't even loosen the ropes I closed my eye and when I did I heard footprints coming down the stairs behind me. It was the old lady but her voice sounded raspy and she was talking to someone.

"I found her about to knock on this door at first I thought she was a fawn I could devour but then I noticed the amulet of Lady Charisse, she must be the new champion of light, the peace bringer, the lovers match!" The woman went on on different titles for this Charisse lady.

Anyway, there was a long pause when she stopped I slowly opened my eyes and stared up at the most creepy thing ever. I stared up at a naked spider, bat, woman thing slime dripping down her face. And next to her a person in a black clock I could see a faint glow of purple eyes. The eye stared at me and didn't look away. I sure hells knew that I wasn't going to so I gave my best straight face. But soon couldn't help but laughing at the silence and staring I bit my bottom lip trying not to laugh any harder.

Once I caught my breath I finally said: "oh God sorry about that it's just it was so dead silent and you were just starting into my soul so I couldn't help but laugh!" The lady looked astonished by my behavior. But the clocked person let out a low giggle then putting a hand in his mouth to stop from burst out laughing ok so it's a guy. I have my brightest smile then struggled with the rope again. "So can I have help with this ro-" I was cut off by the pound or something upstairs.

The lady looked panicked "this little twirp laughed so loud that she let the Knights of the Cross know we were here!" She said that to the man but right after she said that the man took off his hood. "Sorry to disappoint Sharano but she's not the one who they followed plus I'm not your little shadow stalking buddy." He said drawing his sword she hissed and ran towards me ripping me from the metal pole hurting my wrist, and made me bleed.

But she held her claw-like fingers towards my neck "move one bit and the Lady of Light dies!" I glared at the name she called me he stopped in his tracks not moving a muscle. It didn't even look like he was breathing "let, her, go Sharano" he said I growled "Hey guess what my name isn't Lady of Light and it sure ain't HER," with as much force as I could bring I head bashed my head into her throat she stammered back I turned to her. And finished "Its Kara and this for knocking me out earlier!" And with that I kicked her over she fell to the floor with a thud, hitting her head against the cold slightly wet concrete floor.

When I turned around to meet the face of purple eyes I turned around to meet three more people guys were there along with purple eyes "oh I didn't realize there was a crowd," I said sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck when I did that purple eyes seemed to snap out of a trance "pfft like you didn't know people where coming down here" I got a tiny flustered and glared at him "What I didn't ok! I wouldn't have done that if I knew there were more people" he laughed at my response.

Then extended his hand "Lyle Storm" I took his hand and shook it "you already know my name" I said still slightly flustered "oh who are you again?" Lyle said I gave a sweet smile the twisted his hand towards his wrist "OW OK OK KARA STOP THAT HURTS!" I let go giving an innocent smile "so you do know my name!" He rolled his eyes he looked like he was about to say something when a guy our age came up he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles always keeping his eyes on me.

I felt like a deer in headlights he had black hair with red eyes my heart skipped a beat when he straightened up he introduced himself "Chase Rivers" he had a British accent A small smile appears on my lips "Kara..." What was My last name URGH this is frustrating "Kara what?" He asked "I don't know my last name" he looked deep into my eyes and nodded slowly "yea well that is what happens when you don't do a controlled realm break" and soon he was rambling over the difference between our form and non-mage from but I wasn't paying attention to his words but his voice, it was like a milk chocolate that melted in your mouth it was so perfect that I couldn't help but fawn over him my knees went weak and I was about to fall when I was caught by Lyle he looked completely put out by Chase.

"Chase your giving her a heart attack with that voice of yours so shut up!" I looked up at him in surprise he knew what I was thinking? he just looked down and nodded "well obviously, soon enough though I won't be able to do it as easy because your amulet there will adapt and protect you from any magic or anything" he said answering my thought I slowly nodded "nice to know," I whispered I stood up straight but Lyle still kept one hand on my lower back just in case I fell again.

Chase had a light smile "Oooooo~ Lyle's got a girlfriend!" He glared and started fighting with Chase but soon was interrupted by a man the same age he had brown hair one red eye one blue "Storm, do you mind letting go of our lady, because last time I checked she is not your" Lyle shot his hands up over his head "ok geez Quinn such a shy then high guy, no rhyming intended!" I told my eyes then walked over to Quinn and held it my hand "nice to meet you!" He gave a very awkward smile which I thought was adorable "eww Kara no it's not" Lyle commented I ignored him and shook Quinn's hand Quinn had brown hair with one blue eye and one red eye.

The last was a quiet one leaning against the wall he was closing his eyes his breathing steady he was WAY TALLER then me he had a black and silver mask that matched with his black button up that had silver stitches he had wolf ears and tail as white as snow with dark red hair that was in a lower ponytail that went down to his higher back he also had a crown

The white stone looked like a full moon so like any travel person I walked closer to him and smiled "hey what's your name?" I heard Lyle and Chase tell me to back away but I ignored them (being the stubborn idiot I am). He looked at me his eyes a dead black with no shine of life in them he stared at me and like I did with Lyle I didn't back down he mumbled something after awhile then looked away I inched closer "what was that shadowy emo boi" he looked down at me and finally said "Nuevo, tsk."

He got off the wall and walked over to Sharano where he put a crystal up to her and she turned to dust and was sucked into the crystal I looked at where her body was when Meredith came up to me and pushed my mouth shut and whispered in my ear "that my darling is not ladylike," I jumped at his cold fingers accident brushed my ear as he tucked a loose standoff hair behind it "oh, um, thanks!"

I said with a smile he nodded just then Nuevo started speaking "everyone did well today we found both Sharano and The Lady Charisse's mistress of light I say we did well but there still can be improvements to each and everyone's technic tomorrow when the sun peaks over the Western Mountains we'll head home to Wyverns Keep" he said and with that Nuevo left.

One Dayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن