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SMTrash accepted your friend request

SMTrash:AHAHAHAHA Junseoeoeoeo??

Junseoeoeoeoxx:... hey I made this account when I was in my puberty

SMTrash:Aren't you still?

Junseoeoeoeoxx:I am 18! I'm long over that <.<

SMTrash:Sure.. anyway why did you send me a friend request

Junseoeoeoeoxx:Because I want to talk to you and you didn't give me your number!

SMTrash:Wonder why

Junseoeoeoeoxx:You're so mean! Fine then I won't talk to you anymore BYE


Junseoeoeoeoxx:Wait! I didn't mean it I'm bored and I don't know anyone here, pls stay L

SMTrash:I really am not going to give you much more entertainment. I am well known for being the most boring person in town

Junseoeoeoeoxx:I thought your face was funny when you were running for your life :D

SMTrash:... and I'm the mean one here

Junseoeoeoeoxx:You are! You made me run, and you made me find my own way back to the busstop and..

Junseoeoeoeoxx:Are you still here? Hello!

SMTrash:Yes.. I just kind of fell off the stairs

Junseoeoeoeoxx:You really have bad luck.. or you're just clumsy. Probably the last one. Did you get hurt though? Do you have band aids at home?

SMTrash:A little.. I'll be home in 20 minutes if I walk fast

Junseoeoeoeoxx:Wait, which stairs did you fall off?

SMTrash:The school stairs, where else

Junseoeoeoeoxx:You're still at school? I thought you went home already

SMTrash:Guess who got a text from the teacher to deliver something at the principal his office

SMTrash:Anyway! I'm going to go now before I fall off the stairs again and make you pay for my broken bones BYEE

Junseoeoeoeoxx:Wait! I'll come too! Stay where you are

I stood in the bathroom cleaning up my bleeding knee. This Junseo guy is such a weirdo, not only because he bothers talking to me but his whole being is just weird. I've never met a guy with his type of character.

I walked out and took the final pair of stairs down. Before I made it to the front door I suddenly heard it open and I froze on the spot. I hit myself behind the lockers and held in my breath as I waited for another sound of movement. I heard nothing and decided to take a glimpse of what was happening at the door but when I looked I saw nothing.

"WAAA" I jumped to the side and fell to the ground as I soft cried hiding myself under my arms. "It's me calm down!" I suddenly heard Junseo his voice say. I looked up with watery eyes and as soon as I saw him I shot up and started hitting him. "You idiot you scared the life out of me!" I yelled as I hit him continuously.

"I'm sorry- ouch, I'm sorry!" he said as he tried to protect himself. I calmed down a little and quickly wiped away the tears that had formed in my eyes. "Why are you hear anyways.." I quietly said as I leaned against the lockers. "To scare you obviously" I pushed him as I turned around and walked out of the school. "Hey! You really can't take a joke! I came to make sure you're okay of course!" I turned around and saw him hold up a small first aid kid. "You really-" before I could finish my sentence he walked up to me and kneeled down in front of me to take a plaster out of the kid and put it against my knee. "Here now it will stay save from bacteria"

A friend? Kim Junseo 1THE9/ Under19Where stories live. Discover now