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Junseoeoeoeoxx: Thankyouuuu, you're so nice! I didn't know you had it in you!

SMTrash: <.<

Junseoeoeoeoxx: Just kidding, I love you <33

SMTrash: Why did I decide to be nice again, you have become even worse than you were before

Junseoeoeoeoxx: Worse?!?! :(((( WOW

SMTrash: Actually whenever you feel lonely go adopt a cat or something C:

Junseoeoeoeoxx: Meanieeeee

SMTrash: ;D

The next day I sat down on my desk at the same time as usual but this time I was feeling a little nervous. He's finally coming back! It's been over a year but.. I need to calm down I can't just freak out in front of him like that.

"What are you freaking out so much over" I flinched as I noticed that Junseo entered the class probably as he saw my dreaming face as well. "Non of your business" I simply said as I pulled a book in front of my face and continued day dreaming.

"Class may I have your attention" I shot up as I heard the teacher her voice. The class got quiet and waited for her to continue. "After a long year, a year of winning championships he is finally back. Please welcome him well" she said as she opened the door and let him in. I had the widest dumbest smile on my face as I watched him enter. Finally you're back.

He smiled at me as I smiled at him and he joined me in the front of the class. I didn't get to say anything to him because the teacher continued what she was wanting to say.

After class finally ended I shot up and walked to him. "It's been a while" I said as I smiled brightly at him. "Yeah, it really has. Have you been well? How are your parents?" we walked out of the class together. "We have all been doing good. It has been quite boring after you left, I really seemed like a loner after that.."

"Did anyone bother you?"

"No not really just the usual.. anyway. Want to grab a drink at the café?" I offered.

"Only if you pay" he said as he smirked and ruffled my hair. "Hey! You're the rich trophy winner over here, I'm the poor nerd. You should be the one paying!" I said as I pushed his hand away.

"Finee, just because it's you"

After we had finished our drinks I headed home and opened my phone to a rain of messages from Junseo.

Junseoeoeoexx: YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!

Junseoeoeoexx: WAIT is he??

Junseoeoeoexx: You two seem close who is he

Junseoeoeoexx: You just left me alone in the class wow :((((

Junseoeoeoexx: Melisaaaaaa, Melissssaaaaaaa

SMTrash: JDbjfr MY WHAT

SMTrash: Jay isn't- I mean he is my friend hes and he is a boy but he's not-

SMTrash: Why would you make such assumptions! You crazy

Junseoeoeoexx: Oh you are still alive

Junseoeoeoexx: Jay?? He is good looking but he doesn't seem like your type

SMTrash: He doesn't need to be my type if we are just-

SMTrash: Wait why do I even care defending myself over this, idc what you think


Junseoeoeoexx: Then who is he

SMTrash: He's a friend who I know since I was little. He used to be the person I talked to in school before he left

SMTrash: He really is the only person there that doesn't care about social status, eventhough he is really popular himself

Junseoeoeoexx: I don't care either! I mean look! I befriended you!

SMTrash: ...

Junseoeoeoexx: WAIT I mean- I mean that's not what I mean!

SMTrash: I'm going to do my homework bye Junseo

Junseoeoeoexx: Wait comebaaaacckkkk

He's such an idiot. Of course I get what he means but getting him to react like that is just too funny. I enjoy his reactions too much.

I woke up and realized I forgot to put my alarm. I shot up and ran to the shower to realize it's Saturday. There is no school wow I'm stupid.

I was going to go to Jay his house today to bring him a welcome back present I had prepared and I was really hoping he would like it. I packed my bag and made my way downtown. I rang the bell of the gates from his house and it took a few seconds until I heard a door open and soon enough Jay came running towards the gate and opened it for me.

"Good morning!" He said as he let me in. "Morning are your parents home? I should probably greet them. I haven't seen them in a while"

"No need, they are abroad right now" he said as he led me to the livingroom. "I see, here I got you a little something" I said as I handed him the package I had hidden inside my bag. I patiently waited for him to unwrap it. I saw his eyes sparkle when he took out the little plushy from the box and I was able to see his boyish smile again. "Thankyou!" he said as he hugged me. "I thought you would like it" I said with a proud smile. "You know me too well" he said as he happily looked at the plushy.

I sat down on the couch and waited for him to come back from the kitchen. After a minute he returned with two sprites and sat down next to me on the couch. "How has the swimming been? You didn't get any injuries right??" I said as I lifted up one of his arms to check.

"Don't worry, I have been fine the coaches took good care of me. How about you, has it been difficult at school?" he knows as no other how I used to be bullied when he wasn't around me. I guess he was really my guardian angel at school. When he left the bullying got really bad for a while but recently it has gone down by a bit which I am happy about.

"It's been the same as it used to.. but don't worry I could manage. I just kept the thought of you coming back someday in the back of my mind and pulled through" I said as I smiled at him as I leaned with my elbow against the couch. "Good girl, don't let the bullies bring you down" he said as he quickly caressed my cheek.

I really started to realize how much I missed having him around and my child self pulled him softly by his hoodie as I looked at his confused face. "What is it?" he asked as he noticed the sad expression on my face.

When he saw my eyes get watery he got the hint and softly pulled me in for a hug as he caressed the back of my head. "Don't worry I won't leave again. Or I'm taking you with me. I promise" I let out a big sigh as it felt as a big relieve and I held onto him more tightly as I let my head rest on his shoulder. "You're such a baby sometimes you know that" he chuckled as he continued patting my head.

"You sound like Junseo" I chuckled. He pulled away and looked at me with a confused face. "Junseo?"

"Oh right, you don't know him yet. He transferred about a week ago and he has sort of been my friend eventhough he is an annoying little brat" I chuckled as I imagined how Junseo would react in this situation.

"You should introduce him to me! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine" he said as he squished my cheeks. "Stop treating me like a baby! We are the same age you know!" I said as I pushed away his hands. "I'm still older than you though by a couple of days!" I snorted as I got up and picked up my bag. "Maybe you should start acting like you're older than me" I said as I stuck out my tongue to him .

"Anyway, I will introduce you to him if I get the chance. I'm going to head home now I still have to study loads before Monday"

"Still as much as a nerd as always" he chuckled as I glared at him before walking out. I closed the gate behind me and as I turned around I saw Junseo walk out of one of the front doors from the houses across the street. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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