1~ first day of school ~1

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Enjoy my squiblings!!

Tori woke up to her alarm noise,it was the first day of school. She sat up, She was not in a good mood to wake up early,who is? She turned to look over st her closet,there was a uniform there,hanging on a hook. It wasn't any other uniform though,it was a uniform for the army. Her parents were leaders of a most wanted Army,the red army. Her parents thought that since she was so good with guns,she was ready to be a leader of a army at the age of 18. That would have had to be after high school,for now she was a 17 year old in her last year of high school.

She got dressed,brushed her hair and walked down to the kitchen. She was greater by her parents sitting at the table. "Good morning mother's" "good morning Tori" said Paula,the dad in the relationship. "Good morning sweetie." Said Patricia. Tori walked out of the kitchen with a pop tart in her hand. "Well moms,if you'll excuse ill be heading to the buss stop" she said turning quickly to the door. "Wait Tori." Said Paula standing up from the chair. Tori stopped with a grunt and turned around to face her. "Have you thought about the army thing?" Paula said. "..." Tori stayed quiet. She didn't want to be a most wanted leader,but she didn't have much of a choice. "Yes mom,I have but can we talk about this later?" Tori turned to the door. "Uh..sure..have a nice first day at school.." her mom said looking over at her wife. Tori then walks out the door and to the bus stop.

•Tori's POV•

I don't understand,why do they have to put me in charge Of a huge army?? I'm only 17 and they want me to skip college for an army. Sure,I wasn't thinking about going to college anyways but having a regular job is better than being a most wanted criminal.
I walked to the bus stop,seeing people I've known since the first day of freshmen. I was pretty popular in my freshman year and I've only progressively gotten more popular. Then I saw the girl I've always bullied, her name was Tamara, and eyeless freak. How did I meet her you say? Well we were in the same class in freshman year,we had to sit side by side and I remember that the first thing I told her was "why are your eyes fucked up?" I meant it in a curious way though,but since I was pretty loud,everyone laughed. I did feel bad at first but it was pretty funny through time. In freshman year,Tamara had two pigtails but they'd stick upwards. My hair was pretty short so I just left it like it was. Now Tamara just has a ponytail and it still stuck up. I always wondered why gravity was nonexistent to her hair.

She was at the bus stop with her only friends,Ell and Matilda. I knew that if they were her friends they'd have to had been weird too. Tamara saw me coming and nudged her friends to turn my way. They all stepped away from me and let me get pass them to the other people.
The bus came and we all got in. Ell and Matilda got a seat on one side and I sat in the seat across from them, when Tamara passed by there was no space for her to sit with Ell and Matilda,only option was for her to sit with me. She turned over at me a bit nervous but I just put my legs onto the whole seat so she didn't sit with me. She sighed and walked past me to another seat.
We then got to the school and everyone got off the bus. I stepped off looking at the school,last year here. I couldn't believe how time had passed.. I went inside the school,and teachers sent us into the cafeteria to get our schedules there.

•Tamara's POV•

Another miserable year.. I kept repeating in my head. I did want to go to college just that high school was the most worst experience since I got here. We all got off the bus and into the cafeteria. We got our schedules and went into our classes. Since sophomore year and junior I've had classes with Ell and Matilda,but sadly this year I won't be having a class with them. They have been my only friends since childhood times. My first class was reading,I entered my new class and went to sit in the back. There was no one I knew or at least talked to a bit from last year.

Once the bell rang the teacher started to tell us about class rules and the usual first day speeches. Then about ten minutes into the class someone bathed into the room. "Sorry I'm late!!" Said Tori in a purposely girly voice. Every one in the class new Tori they all snickered at her response. The teacher only sighed at her. "Nice to officially meet you,Tori." She said. "Go have a seat next tooo..hey what's your name miss?" She said pointing to me. I didn't want her to sit next to me. "Umm..Tamara.." I said hesitantly. "Go sit next to Tamara then" she said. Tori only looked at me, we both made eye contact. She turned to the teacher with a face that said 'are you serious' the teacher looked at Tori and said "you don't really have a choice anyways,there's. no more seats" she said in a smart ass voice. Tori grunted and walked towards the seat next to me. She sat in the seat and scooted all the way to the edge. This sure is going to be a great year..
Hope y'all enjoyed this first chapter, now ima go work on my other stories.
1008 words.

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