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Audrey woke up early on the old pull-out couch in Chase's motor home. Sitting up, Audrey rubbed her temples as the headache from last night's drinking hit her. A thud comes from the back room, out came Chase in jeans, a Napa polo shirt, and of course a Napa hat on.

"Morning." Chase said catching Audrey's eye.

"Morning." Audrey smiles.

"My appearance got moved up, so I won't be able to take you guys back to the hotel in time. Ryan said he'd gladly drive you though." Chase informs me.

"Alright, sounds good." Audrey stretches out.

"Were you guys planning on sitting in the grandstands?" Chase questions pulling out something from his pocket as Audrey nods.

"Yeah, unless you have a better idea."

"Oh trust me, I do." Chase hands over Hot Passes to Audrey. "These will get you into the infield when gates open up, then meet me at the 9 garage and I'll get you guys into my pit box." Chase informs.

"Wow, this trip is becoming more than I thought it would." Audrey chuckles looking over the shiny wording of 'Hot Pass' gleaming on the ticket.

"Alright, I gotta head out now, but Blaney should be here any minute. See you later A." Chase smiles.

"See ya." Audrey smiles back, trying to ignore the apparent butterflies rise in her stomach. Audrey shakes Madison awake from her tranquil sleep, and explained the new plan for the day. "That must be Ryan." Audrey comments hearing a heavy knock on the door. Audrey hops on to her feet, pushing the heavy door open revealing the familiar face of Ryan Blaney.

"Hey, heard somebody needed a ride?" Ryan jokes.

"That would be Mads and I, thank you so much for doing this." Audrey gratefully responded. After gathering their belongings, Audrey and Madison jumped into a car with Ryan. The light hit perfectly on Ryan's face, letting Audrey get a better glance at Chase's friend compared to what she saw last night.

"How long have you guys known Chase?"

"Practically our whole lives, we all grew up next to each other and went to school together." Madison recalled from the back seat. "We used to go to the old go-kart track just outside of Dawsonville."

"We all loved racing back then, but Madison and I gave up on that." Audrey added on to the story.

"You guys wanted to be drivers?" Ryan questions turning out of the track grounds.

"Yeah, especially when your neighbor was Bill Elliott." Audrey chuckled. "But as we grew older we moved out of that stage, and found our own interests. We still enjoyed racing and went to any race Chase drove in near Dawsonville."

"You should've seen Audrey in her little fire suit, it was so cute." Madison over exaggerated.

"Shut up Madison, it made me look fat." Audrey turns around. "Anyways, how did you and Chase meet?"

"Oh, we meet not to long after he moved to North Carolina. Bill and my dad were buds, and Chase and I were introduced and came up through the racing levels together." Ryan explained. "Chase has had a lot more opportunities than I did, but I caught up just fine." Ryan shrugged turning on to the highway.

"How so?" Audrey curiously asked.

"Not many people believed in me, my dad drove in the Cup Series but never really accomplished anything, no offense to my dad. Chase had his last name and father to go off of. A lot of people believed in the last name Elliott more than Blaney." Ryan explained keeping a steady eye on the road in front of him. Audrey instantly felt bad for Ryan, he seemed like a genuine, hard working, driven guy. "But I've made a name on my own."

"I'm glad it all worked out for you." Audrey sincerely said looking over at Ryan. Ryan pulled the car off the highway towards an exit. "Thanks again for driving us." Audrey unbuckles as Ryan pulled up outside their hotel.

"No problem." Ryan says putting the car in park. "If you need a ride back, I'd be glad to do it. I don't have any appearances today, so I'm free." Ryan adds. "But of course if you guys are needing a ride, I'd need a phone number." Ryan nervously blurted out.

"Smooth Ryan." Madison laughs hopping out of the back seat.

"Well, I guess." Audrey shrugged putting her number in Ryan's phone. "See you later Ryan." Audrey said, and with Audrey's number locked within Ryan's phone, he drove away.

"He likes you." Madison pushes Audrey through the door. "If that wasn't a good and smooth excuse to get your number, I don't know what is."

"No, he was just being nice." Audrey argues.

"Audrey Thompson has two of the hottest NASCAR drivers at her feet." Madison shook her head. "You go girl." Madison reaches out for a fist bump, but is quickly rejected by Audrey slapping her hand. "You know you're gonna have to choose."

"What's there to choose?" Audrey asks.

"Chase or Ryan." Madison bluntly replies. "If I was you I'd choose Ryan, if I'm being honest with you. You and Chase are cute, but you guys act more like a brother and sister if anything."

"Madison, you're asking me to choose between Chase, who I've known my whole life, and then Ryan, who I just met not even twenty four hours ago?"

"Hell yeah, you gotta admit Ryan is hot." Audrey pushes the subject upon her friend as the entered their room. "Cute? At least give him that."

"Fine, he's cute." Audrey gives in to please her nosy friend. "But just because I say that doesn't make me like him." Audrey states. Audrey grabs a pair of clothes from her suitcase vacating to the bathroom as an attempt to distance herself from Madison.

"You can run, but you can't hide!" Madison shouted out from outside the door.

Don't Say You Love Me | Ryan BlaneyWhere stories live. Discover now