4: Telling Mia Part 2

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A.N. So so so sorry I didn't update this before. My wattpad wouldn't work.



"Well, I decided to go with Sunsation Tour."

When Aaron announced that he was going on other tour, my brain instantly started to think about all the things that happened when Aaron left for Magcon. Everything went down hill.

"Mia?" Aaron asked, breaking me from my thoughts. Which was probably best for everyone.

"Aaron, I'm so happy for you. Your don't understand how much. I'm so happy that you get to make something of your life. All your dreams are coming true." I say.

"Mia are you scared that I'm going to leave you? Cause if that's the case, I'm not all, I actually wanted you to come with me?" Aaron asks more of a question that a statement.

I then again, I get lost in my thoughts, I want to go with Aaron, so bad, but I don't want to be a burden on his life anymore. He needs to do his own thing. He always has to worry about me, and he just needs to focus on himself for a while.

"Aaron, I don't want to get in the way of your life." I finally said. "You have so much more to accomplish than having to put with me. God had great things in store for you, and I don't want to be the cause of why you can't accomplish these things."

"Mia, I can accomplish what I want to accomplish in my life. You will never be in the way. If anything, I want you to be right there with me. Whether you are right there in the middle if everything, or on the sidelines just watching from behind the stage curtains. I just want you there, Mia. And I feel like someone else does too. Maybe someone that you would like to see. And I know for a fact that they want you there too."

"Aaron, I'm so glad that you want me to go with you, but it makes me feel like I'm always in the way. And I know that you don't think I'm safe here, alone, but I can assure you that I am. Trust me."

"Mia, I don't care to leave you alone. I know that you're safe here. I trust you so much, and you've improved so much since that day. I want you to be there. Mia, I don't know how to convince you to come with me, so, I just want you to call one person. And no, you're not a burden to anyone's life. Don't ever say that again, if anything, you would be a blessing one someone's life. Epically mine." Aaron states.

At this point I want to cry. Aaron always makes me realize that I have a meaning in this world. He makes my life feel complete. How could I not say no to him?

"Aaron, I want to go with you, I want to spend my summer with you, on tour. I want to spend this summer with my best friend, traveling."

"Thank The Lord. I didn't think I would ever get you to go. And if I didn't, I would probably kidnaped you and took me with you anyway. No joke. I'm just glad to have you in my life and I know what I would without you. But I still need you to call someone. Someone who really wants to see you."

After Aaron said that, my mind couldn't help but think of who it would be. Who could want to see me?

"Who?" I ask.

"Taylor!" Aaron said, with much excitement.

"Taylor's going on tour too!?"

"Yes, and Matt, Dillon, Jake and Luke will be there some, Brent will be there some, Crawford and Chris will be there, and then Carter."

I'm so happy that I get to see my old friends from Magcon. When we came home, I didn't think I would see them again. But here I am, going on tour with them again. And I could be happier.

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