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•~Corbyn's POV~•

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed. I quickly shoot up and take in my surroundings. This is definitely not my room... No shit sherlock. I looked around once more and see a brunette sitting in a chair by the desk in the corner of the room. He looked kinda familiar but I couldn't pinpoint excatly where I've seen him before. He is kinda cute... NO!! This could be my potential kidnapper this is not time to think about how good looking he is.

"I'm not that good looking, but thanks for the compliment."


"Don't swear baby boy."

"And what happens if I do... Daddy."

"You don't want to find out..."

"Thank you for helping me..." I trailed off not knowing this man's name.


"Thanks, Jonah."

I then noticed Jonah started moving towards me slowly. Pretty soon he was sitting on the bed with me. I started leaning in and so did he... pretty soon....

a/n: ahhhh cliffhanger!!! i hope you enjoyed this chapter. comment ideas for what should happen next. next update will be in a few days

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