part 1

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I looked at the blue sky and sighed. The grass beneath my back was a little wet, but that was okay. It didn't matter. It would dry. A fly buzzed around my head and I swatted at it angrily. The sun hadn't completely risen yet, because school hadn't even started yet, and the sun never rose before school started. That was something I knew. A boy in my class told me I knew nothing. Maybe I'd tell him my sun theory later. That'd show him.

"Louis," I said, calling to my best friend.

"What?" he yelled. I lifted my head and before I could move he kicked his soccer ball at me. It bounced off my shoulder and rolled back to him. He was such a meanie.

"Ow!" I shouted, grabbing my arm and rubbing it. He giggled and ran over to me. He plopped himself down in the dewy grass and crossed his legs.

"What's up?" he asked, resting his chin in his hands.

"Do you know what love is?" I had heard my mum say she loved my dad so many times. She also said it to me. I didn't understand it.

"Duh," he replied.

"Tell me," I demanded as I laid back down and patted the ground, telling him to do the same. He laid down and scooted so our heads were side-by-side. I was much shorter than him, and I saw his feet going way past mine.

He then began his speech. He was a good speaker. I admired him for that.

"Love is this thing where two people really really like each other, and they care about each other a lot. Anyone can love anyone, really. But, then there's this whole other thing, called being in love."

As he explained, I turned my head to the side and gazed at him as he spoke, his eyes closed. His eyelashes were so long. I was jealous. Very jealous.

"If you're in love with someone, you only spend time with them. You think about them all the time. They're like, the only person that matters to you and you put them before everyone and everything. If you're in love, then you have to be best friends with them first, because you can't be in love with someone unless they're your best friend."

The bell rang, and Louis got up suddenly. He then turned to me and held out his hand. I took it and he yanked on my arm to pull me to my feet. I fell forward into him. His shirt was soft.

"Are we in love?" I asked, stepping back but keeping one hand on his arm.

"No. Of course not."


"Because you are a . . . slowpoke!" he shouted, taking off towards the school. I began running behind him, but there was no way I would catch up. We raced from the back of the field every day but I never won. Louis was too fast.

I still didn't understand love. Louis was so smart. He knew everything.


I laced up my runners as fast as I could. Louis and I were the only two left in the change room, and he wouldn't shut up about how Mr. K was going to yell at us for being late.

"You're the one who made us stop by the art room to say hi to Chelsea. I don't know why you don't just ask her out already," I said curtly as I stood up and fixed my hair in the mirror. Louis came and stood beside me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I don't want to ask her out," he sighed. "How many times have I told you, I don't like her."

"Could've fooled me," I muttered as I threw my hair into a bun quickly. It was sure to fall out halfway through the twelve-minute run, but oh well. I shrugged him off me and stuffed my clothes into my bag, chucking it on top of my shoes.

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