closing notes

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so that is all i've got. i put a lot of myself into this story, using real-life experiences and personal thoughts to help bring the characters to life.

i tried to show how harry and louis matured as they grew up through harry's thoughts as well as the pair's actions, while also maintaining the idea that even as they grew up, they were still best friends who joked around.

the scene after they had sex was important to me because it showed that despite going to a level behind friendship, harry and louis weren't losing what they'd already had, only adding to it and making it more special.

to be in love with your best friend is the greatest thing. i think if you're going to be with someone, it's nearly essential that they be your best friend.

completing a story is something i've never done. i've written beginning after beginning, but never an end, so it's very cathartic to be able to have a story with a beginning, middle, and most importantly an end.

anyway, i'm sure if people read this story they won't read up to this bit.

thank you for reading. feedback is sO welcomed

< bee >

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