Febuary 24, 2004

150 6 0

It was late at night when she came to retrieve me from that revolting place.

She took me by surprise, as she had come so quietly. She must do this a lot.

 "Munchkin," she whispered, barely audible to me as her long, skinny arms reached in and pulled me out of that wretched place.

I think I might've saw a bruise on her arm, but I didn't take much notice to it. I could've been imagining things, really. It was the middle of the night and I just wanted to get out of that place.

She brought me upstairs.

She lightly placed me on her bed, facing me. "Good night, Munchkin."

Day-ay-loh-nah-bah (Good night) I sent telepathically, I hope, to her.

She seemed to move closer to me while she was sleeping, but it was probably just my imagination.

I like to imagine weird things, including when it's this dark.

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