April 8, 2004

62 5 0

It's late at night, but I cant sleep. Why would I be able to, anyways?

Angel had cried herself to sleep a few minutes ago. She knows it's her fault for the dog's death. How is she still able to sleep when someone died? She's making it harder to call her after her given name now.

I know it's not really logical to blame Angel for what happened, but, what do you expect me to do?

In the past, when my furby parents died, I had someone to blame, which helped to ease my sadness then. But, right now, there's no clear answer who killed the dog.

I'm going to point out the fact that I had no exact idea what was stopping Angel from visiting the forest. There was some internal conflict going on within her, stopping her from going into the woods and seeing that gruesome house with the poor dog in the yard.

What would have happened if the dog never got adopted by that person? It might have been happy, or not. Maybe it would have been dead sooner. Who knows.

But, I would pay with my own life to see that puppy happy and growing into a dog, a collar to represent that it finally found somewhere called home, instead of a metal chain woven around like a unpaid debt.

I don't understand why people like that exist. Why Angel's parents are so vile, why people decide to abuse those who can't defend themselves. It's sad to see what this world has become, a growing place for infectious humans.

Is that what Angel is becoming now? A monster, just like her parents? I sure don't hope so, because she seems like someone who could fix the bad deeds of others, heal broken hearts.

She deserves the world, even if my heart doesn't agree with it for the moment.

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