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Me and the boys sat on the couch, watching some tv. I never felt so anxious about someone in my whole life. The whole time me and Zach have been together. We could protect each other. But now he's alone. I can't protect him.

Brandon: Y/n? Do ya want something from PizzaHut? Im just about to leave and get something from the grocery-

He just stopped in mid of his sentence. His face was focused on the tv. I followed his gaze and what I saw made me nearly scream.

Zachary Herron finally locked up

Jai turned the volume louder so we could hear what the news reporter was saying. The man was staying in front of the police department.

'After nearly one month of hiding, Zachary Dean Herron is finally caught! After he tried robbing a bank near Washington, he crashed his car in a truck. Him and the police had a good three hour race on the streets! Luckily no one got seriously injured. We can't tell you what exactly happened, all we know is that Mr Herron was alone. So where is his girlfri-'

The news report stopped talking and pressed his finger inside his ear.

' we just got informed that Zach Herron finally talked! Officer Chesterfield just gave us the information that Mr Herron said he killed the girl he was with. He said, and I quote
' she wasn't fully aware what I did the whole time. She thought everything was just a joke and she could just end it anytime she wants, so I killed her. I needed the money for my family and my true love.'
We can't say if he said the truth, but if he did, today maybe was the last time he saw the sun. I'll keep you updated! My name is Ke-'

A tear rolled down my face. Zach got caught. And he didn't said anything about me. He never said my name. He said the girl he was with, me, is death. Why would he say something like that!?

Jai: shit, shit, shit! Why would he say something like that! That's going to get him a life-sentence!

Y:n: fuck! He said he killed the girl he was with! I need to tell them the truth! Zach could be in prison for his fucking life!

Brandon: No...

Me and Jai both looked at the boy who still stood by the door.

Y/n: what do you mean No!? He could get killed for what he did! And he didn't even killed someone!

Jai: Y/n... Zach- he...

I looked at the blond boy next to me. He was shaking and had tears in his eyes.

Jai: he told us he would let the cops catch him.. he didn't want you to have a life in which you just run away. He told us he would think about something so you're out of everything. I didn't thought he would do something like this...

My heart broke in million pieces. Zach's in prison and he didn't even do something wrong.

It's called happiness..! ||Z.D.H|| FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now