Chapter 6

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Cover's font done by Torieasy. Thank you so it..

Isaac's POV

"Son stay here" Dad pushed me under the back seat of his van "I am going to lock the doors, do not come out of here until we come back"

"Dad? What is going on?" I brought out my head and turned to him to see his face shadowed with worry and impatience. He shared a look with Uncle George who was Dad's FBI partner and my Godfather.

"Son, we just need to see someone around the corner" Uncle George said coming out of the passenger seat.


"Isaac we will back before you know it, please don't come out" Dad said coming out of the van and locking the doors. He then left with Uncle George.

I stayed under the seat, wondering what was going on. If they wanted to see someone, they wouldn't have told me to hide here. Something bad was going to happen, even my 8 year old mind could sense it.

A heavy sound of thunder echoed in the sky which startled me, it was followed by gunshots and that made me freeze.

More gunshots followed and I snapped out, I really hoped Dad and Uncle George were safe.

Thunder claps mixed with the sounds of gunshots echoed in the atmosphere. I became really frightened.

Moments later, everything stopped, silence ensued the environment.

"No! No! Mother!" A loud cry broke the silence, that made me disobey my father's words. I came out of the back seat and curiously look through the back window.

Not too far away from the van, a little girl sat on the sidewalk with a woman laying beside her, her back was drenched with blood with a hole in the middle. She was shot! The little girl was sobbing loudly, shaking the woman vigorously.

"Mum! Mummy wake up, I am sorry, we won't come to the park again, please stand up" She cried wildly and suddenly, it started raining heavily soaking her and her mum, her black hair became even more darker now wet, but she didn't mind, she continued crying and shaking the woman's unconscious body.

I didn't know when tears started dripping from my eyes, but seeing this little girl like this really made my heart clench.

I couldn't do anything, I just cried along with her

"Please wake up"

I woke up sweating profusely. I haven't had this dream in years. I don't know what aroused it.

That night.....

I remember seeing my father, Uncle George and his FBI colleagues running to the little girl and her unconscious mother. I remember Uncle George covering her with his jacket and carrying her away from the scene with her kicking and screaming for her mother. Then the ambulance arriving and them wheeling the woman into it. I remember Dad coming into the van to find me crying and him bringing me into his arms.

Few years later, after constantly interrogating Dad, I was informed about what happened that night. Dad was a FBI agent. He was on a mission with Uncle George and few other people to capture some drug dealers from an illegal cartel. They were trying to get away from those gunmen because they were outnumbered. He said the little girl's mother was a victim of the circumstance, she got hit by a stray bullet from one of the gunmen. Thankfully, they were all arrested.

I didn't know that girl, but I cried throughout that night. I wasn't even myself for a week. Now I don't think I can recognize her, Her face was all blurry because of the rain.

We moved away from this town because Dad was sent to New-York for his service. But we are back here because his wish was to be buried in his hometown.

Yes my Dad is dead

He died three months ago, from a brain tumor.

Yes, the pain is still fresh.

The surgery we all hoped for his recovery brought his end.

I closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep so that I can temporary forget my pain.


I can't believe I finally finished this chapter. Well glad it's out of the way.

I cried while writing this...( Just so you know, it was not because I was emotional, someone was literally chopping onions beside me)
  What am I saying? I bawled my eyes out, I am a huge emotional freak. Now I need to go get more tissues *sniff sniff* can somebody get this freaking onions away from my eyes.

Thank you so much for reading, and pls don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Love y'all.


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