Chapter seventeen

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Even if  a part of her was screaming to take his offer , but there was this part of her which ruled her mind. Fear , it had destroyed her ability to trust the male species. It played on her mind and that was  the reason she never opened up to a man again. She rather shut herself away , pretend she lived in a different world , one without the need of romance.
Lorenzo looked at her , he was confused why such a simple question she will stand there taking ages to answer as if she was seeking permission from herself. He had to smile , he walked closer to her and she looked at him. They both looked at each other and smiled. Emily felt embarrassed that he had been standing there staring at her whilst she stood there staring blankly into the dark night.

How long will those mind games continue?,she wondered.

Maybe it's you who allows those mind games to take control over you ,she thought and then she looked at him and agreed to his offer.

" That took you a long time", Lorenzo said with a smile and she felt her cheeks were getting red.

" Mr. Lorenzo.. uhm.. wouldn't your girlfriend be upset  that you are ...", she started to say when he interrupted her.

" That's something for me to worry about ", he cut her short and opened the passenger door of his car.
Emily thought that she had every right to be worried about Ginnie finding out that her boyfriend left the party to drop  her  home.

It's not like he is taking you out on a date.. he is dropping you home because your sister ditched you for a guy!, she said to herself and she looked out of the window , be quiet!, she thought she was tired of the battle going on in her inner thought.

She gave Lorenzo her address and she looked out of the window checking if anybody wasn't looking at them as they drove away.Lorenzo suggested they put the window down and she couldn't agree more. Emily closed her eyes , leaning her head against the seat , she smiled as the fresh  breeze softly touched her face . The smell of the flowers and the odor of new- mown grass filled the air, the fragrance of Spring. Lorenzo glanced over at her , looking at her from head to toe. Her eyes closed and a smile on her face was  picture-perfect. Emily opened her eyes and noticed that they were on the wrong road.

" I think you missed my turn!", she said anxiously.

" I'm not taking you home", he replied and then added  as Emily looked at him in surprise.

" Well it will be a shame to waste such a beautiful dress.. right ?!", he added.

Emily looked outside and smiled as she brushed the hair which was falling into her face . She couldn't allowed him to see that she was flattered by his comment.

" And where are we going Mr. Lorenzo?", she asked since she couldn't figure out which street they were on.

" Ok.. first thing , you can call me Lorenzo, no need to be so formal and we are going to a wedding reception ", he said and Emily turned towards him , she could only looked at him open- mouthed .

" A wedding?!", she blurted.

Lorenzo told her about the wedding of one of their employee and promised the bride that he will stop by
the reception for a few minutes. Emily looked at him , she was speechless and suddenly she started to worry.

" Don't you think we should avoid the gossips .. you know me being there with you?", Emily asked .

Lorenzo didn't answer , he kept on looking at the road and Emily looked at him crossing her arms, she didn't like the fact that he was ignoring her concern.

" Emily for once can you stop worrying about everything and everyone else! So just relax", he said with a serious tone.

Emily remained quiet and she remembered Samantha's words , "You have to let go and learn to live a little".

She had spent most of her time studying, didn't go to parties like girls her age were. She rather locked herself away , her bed filled with papers and books studying for exams or reading about animals.

So Sam is probably right, live a little wouldn't hurt right?, she thought.

Lorenzo pulled up outside a big hall and they could hear music playing loudly. He turned off the engine, turned and looked at her. He asked if she was ready to go in  with him and when she smiled , it gave him the assurance that she was and he was glad that she had loosened up . He got out and walked over to her side but she had already opened the door and stepping out of the car. He offered her his hand and she took it as she got out from the car and stood next to him. She fixed her dress and ran a hand through her long hair.

" You look beautiful... so don't worry", he softly said as he reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from her face . Emily felt her cheeks getting red and something fluttered inside her as his fingertips softly brushed against her face as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

" Shall we go", he said offering his arm .

Emily didn't want to have close contact with him again so she walked a head of him. Lorenzo looked at her walking away, he had felt her body shivering when he had brushed her hair away from her face,he smiled at that thought as he followed her.

As they entered the hall , the bride was so happy to see Lorenzo there, her husband and her greeted them guiding them to a table , introducing them to their close family members. Lorenzo introduced her as a good friend of the family and even if she wanted to stop him he winked at her and leaned closer and told her not to worry , " They look like they are having such a great time that they wouldn't remember who came with me".

Emily had to laugh softly, she knew what he meant by that as she looked around the room, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves . The bride brought them a bottle of Champagne and they toasted with the newly married couple before they excused themselves since it was time to toss the bridal bouquet.

A lady walked by and asked Emily if she was married and she replied no, before she could protest the lady grabbed her hand dragging her to the middle of the hall where all the other single ladies were standing waiting impatiently for the bouquet!

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