Tattooed Heart

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It had been awhile since it had started hurting again. Normally he just took some painkillers, but today it felt like a rock was sitting on his wrist, something even that didn't work. He knew he was overworking it again. This happened after every showing he was apart of. Working day and night to make the best piece, to be the best. He was currently sitting in front of a new lump of clay, rubbing his wrist. He hadn't even heard the door open to his studio. Before he knew it, she had appeared, removing his own hand and replacing it with hers. She held it gently working on the knots that built up during the process. He watched her for a while not saying anything.

"What would you do if I lost everything?" Ga-eul paused, looking at him with her big brown eyes. Ones he wanted to drown in every day.

"Support us on a teachers salary. Try and get a second job teaching pottery to kids again. Whatever we needed me to do, I would do it." Yi Jung held her hand still, making her look at him. His eyes were downcasted towards the lump of clay, looking without seeing. A darkness that he always gets when he remembers the past clouded them.

"And what if I become my father?" Ga-eul placed a gentle hand on his chin, pulling his eyes to met hers.

"You won't. I know you."

"But what if I do become-"

"-Then I don't care." She cut him off. He gave her a look. "Okay, I will care a little, probably a lot, but I know unlike your father you would always come back to me in the end. Because as long as my name is the only one tattooed on your heart, I know we would get through it. We could get through anything." Yi Jung reached up, grabbing her hand. He began to smile at the ring on her finger. Pulling out his own, he slid it back on. When ever he works he can never wear a ring or it might damage the final product, he always remembers to put it back on at the end of the night.

"As long as it's only my name as well." Yi Jung, smiled up at her, pulling her into an embrace.     

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