01. Life in Boxes

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"I don't understand how you're tired when you're the one that has super strength." Caden's voice echoed through the empty apartment as he placed a box next to the front door.

He walked through their new apartment, searching for Peter. Not that they had an old apartment, but they had basically lived with each other all throughout college, picking and choosing whose place to stay in every few weeks. A shared apartment was just a consolidation of that. And, it was less hassle than moving miscellaneous items back and forth between houses. It was also time for them to take that leap into their own lives, having graduated college and survived that portion mostly unscathed.

Peeking into a doorway to a room that would eventually be theirs, he spotted Peter who was laying on the hardwood floor, staring off into space. Shaking out of his slight daze, Peter turned onto his back while Caden crossed arms as he leaned against the doorframe.

Peter lifted his head slightly, smiling when he saw Caden watching. His grin made Caden's lips tug into a smile as well. "I'm not tired. Well, not really. Just lazy," Peter clarified.

Caden sighed half-heartedly. "You have all the time to be lazy later. Last time I checked I wasn't moving into this place myself." He sat down next to Peter, groaning as he bent down, his body landing on the floor in a very ungraceful way.

"Nice noise, old man," Peter joked. He moved closer to lay his head on Caden's lap, smiling up at him. He searched for Caden's hand, entwining their fingers. He brought their hands up to his lips, pressing a kiss against the back of Caden's. "You love me?" he murmured against his skin, even the soft sound producing a slight echo.

"You make it difficult, but yeah. And, I'd love you more if you helped..." Caden planted a peck on Peter's lips. He let out a short laugh, watching as Peter stood up almost immediately.

Peter looked at Caden's outstretched arms and shook his head. "You can rest now, babe. I got this. Spider-Man's got this, actually. Ooh, think I could open a moving service as Spider-Man? It could be a hit."

Caden laughed, shaking his head at Peter whose brain seemed to move at a mile a minute, his mouth having to go into overdrive to express everything he though. "I think you should stick to your day job, Spidey." The teasing nickname brought a smile to his face as he pulled his knees up to his chest.

Peter's face fell into a defeated frown. He clutched his heart, his brows knit together tightly and his bottom lip jutting out in a pout. Before he could continue his dramatics, Caden cut him off with a snort.

"Hey, if you can't have honesty in relationships, what do you have?" he offered, raising his eyebrows challengingly.

Peter's head snapped up to look at him, his mouth open in shock. "My dreams, Caden! My dreams!"

Caden's lips twisted into an amused smile, although, he shouldn't have been so surprised at the outburst. "You can be a convincing actor at times, I'll give you that," he said, his voice soft as he looked up at Peter.

He leaned forward to grab one of Peter's hands, missing the contact between them. Peter jumped out of his reach, crossing his arms, the pout returning to his face. He slouched his shoulders, his head hanging in disappointment. "I'm going downstairs, and if I don't come back just know that I took the rest of our stuff to May's. I'm moving back in with her. She supports me."

Caden scoffed as Peter's walked towards the doorway. He placed his hand on the knob, turning slightly towards Caden. "Expect your stuff to be at Tabby's!"

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