02. Letters from the Front Line

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this au is completely inspired by the love story that WWII soldiers Gilbert and Gordon went through when obviously being gay was seen as something unfathomable but they continued to write cute love letters to each other about what they wished for
on a serious note: I'd like to thank these men for their service in fighting for their countries and also for being brave enough to embrace their true selves knowing that the times they lived in were less than forgiving
happy Memorial Day, hope you sent your good vibes veterans' way!



There is great sorrow in my heart to know that we have been stationed to another front while you must stay behind with your injuries. I hope they will bring you back to peak health. Every day that passes where I don't receive a letter from you, that same hope slips through my fingers. Even if you are not able to join us soon, promise me that our love will stay contained in the careful folds of these envelopes. Maybe one day we will be able to reminisce on these times. Only then will we be truly together, possibly living under the same roof. I have a feeling that the future will be able to see our love as something to admire rather than spit at. Until then, we will continue burning the letters out of fear, but that does not extinguish the love I have for you. I will wait patiently for the day I receive another message from you, my love. I pray you will be able to read this soon.

All my love,


My own darling boy,

Bodies pile up on the sidelines in multitudes. There are many instances where we cannot distinguish between our side and theirs. Some days I am grateful that you are not here to experience that torture. However, you are suffering your own torture. Which is more preferable, love? I am ecstatic to hear of your duties to help others while you are injured yourself. Your kind soul shines through your words. I hope to pay a visit soon. I am unsure of when we will be moving again, but it may be on the horizon. There has been an epidemic of sorts, a sickness taking lives in the middle of the nights. Many men have been placed into tents and the belongings, as well as their remains, are thrown into the field. I fell victim to those circumstances, and the only prized possession I have to hold is a small portrait of you. Unfortunately, I cannot hold our love. That is my most prized possession next to my own life.



Dearest boy,

I am glad to hear of the news of your speedy recovery and how your family came to visit. I hope to be in their shoes soon. Hectic events have been happening on this end of the country which I'm sure you've read about. I am glad again that you are not here to witness them even though the thing I desire most is to see you. I hope your parents are well even though you cannot possibly send them my best. I assume they do not know of me nor would they approve of our closeness. I do think they would appreciate you having a close friend in these times though as I am as much a friend of yours despite our fondness. Sometimes - when everyone else is asleep and I am wide awake thinking of you - I imagine how others would react to us. They could not possibly understand our love, their minds don't go far enough to see it. The breadth of our love is unfathomable to them, but we can only hope things will get better. I greatly apologize for this depressive note. Burn it while they warm up a meal for you if you'd like. The last thing I want is for you to worry.

Goodnight, my love,


My darling,

The fighting has ceased for a few days' time. A great storm has run through the battlefield. The powerful rain has taken away plenty of bodies with it. If I had ever gone through a drought before, I could never imagine anything other than this downpour. The sound of the rain on my tent as I write this brings me back to memories I thought were long buried. It was one of the first days I spent with you, and we were soaked by the time you finally pressed your lips to mine. We were young and bright-eyed, dancing to the music in the bar we could hear from the basement. I handed you the rations I had left over. They were wet and unappetizing, but I still pushed them into your cold hands. I wish I could have given you more. That night, as it continued to rain, we slept soundly. I awoke to find you already in line marching with the others. Falling asleep in your arms is indescribable to this day.

I see you in my dreams,



It has been a long time since I have written to you. I tried endless times to reply to your last letter, but nothing sounded sincere enough. I am eternally grateful that you have safely recovered all of your past injuries. Though it has been years, I hope this sentiment is not bothersome to you now. I understand how you found love with Elizabeth as we could never truly be together as one. I am not angered if you have thrown all of our letters into a fire years ago. I will not be angered if you do the same to this one. It is to protect yourself, and even I can understand that. In fact, I urge you to destroy them and even this one. Put me at ease, darling, and assure yourself that you will not be in harm's way. After all, you already survived a war. Your words and memories remain close to me, and perhaps they always will. I also understand how Elizabeth fell in love with you. You are easy to love, and I fell once too.


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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