Just Another Dream

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It's dark, very dark. All I can see are orange orbs floating around me. I reach out to touch one but it jerks itself away from my grasp too quickly. I feel myself move to follow it but it keeps moving itself out of my reach. As I walk I hear a ruffle and I see I'm in dark blue gown. Odd. I can't let it distract me though, my main priority is catching one of these lights. I don't know why. I'm running through shallow water now and as it begins to slow me down the orange ball suddenly stops and floats in one spot. A little closer... closer... I can feel the heat radiate on my palms as I begin to grasp it...

Then my alarm goes off. It was just another dream.  

I let out a groan as I roll over and smack my alarm off. Today's the day I go visit my cousin Ava and her new husband Hitoshi across the world in Japan. I've been spending every summer with her since I was five years old and I do not plan on letting five thousand miles ruin a fourteen year old tradition. My plane departs from San Fransisco International at approximately six am, leaving me with only two hours to get myself to the terminal. Good thing I packed last night, I'm already stressed enough about missing this plane.

After a quick shower I brush my teeth, braid my hair, throw on some black shorts with a white tank top and orange flannel, then schedule an Uber to take me to the airport. I quietly roll my suitcase into the kitchen so I don't wake up my parents and grab a granola bar from the pantry, stuffing it into my carry-on backpack. Immediately after, my phone buzzes to notify me that my driver arrived. I exit the house and lock the back door, shoving the key back into its spot under the welcome mat. It amazes me that no one has broken in yet with the key in such an obvious spot. 

At the end of my driveway a silver Honda waits for me. In the dim light radiating from the outside lights of my house I see a middle aged woman wave at me through the window before getting out of her car. She meets me at the trunk and unlocks it so I can toss my suitcase back there. We exchange a courtesy smile before I hop in the back seat and she resumes her position behind the wheel. The car smells of cigarettes trying to be covered up with the smell of pine and I can hear classic rock quietly playing through the radio.

"Where are you off to sweetie?" She asks in a quiet but raspy voice while looking at me through the rearview mirror. 

"San Fran International please," I respond. With a brief nod the car zooms off. 

I pull the granola bar out of my bag and take a bite before pulling out my phone. Two messages from Dannie.


Have fun in Japan!

Don't forget about your best friend!

I sigh before shutting my phone off and instead look out the window. It's still dark but you can tell the sun will be rising soon by the grayish hue and lack of stars in the sky. Soon enough the view and whispers of music sends me into my daydreams. I keep thinking about the dream. I've always had vivid dreams but this one left me with a weird feeling. What were the orbs? Why was I in a ball gown? What was the purpose of the water? My head begins to spin just as the low voice of the driver pulls me back.

"Where am I dropping you hun?" she asks. I direct her to the correct section then she parks and helps me with my bags again. 

"Thank you!" I say with a wave before she pulls away. I roll my bag into the building and get in line for security. After showing my passport and waiting for what feels like forever to get through security, I finally make it to the correct terminal with ten minutes to spare. A sudden feeling of calm takes over as I sit down. I didn't miss my plane. 

Those ten minutes drag on. I noticed that my leg started to bob up and down as I impatiently waited for them to open the gates. What felt like fifteen minutes turned out to only be two, scrolling through my phone didn't seem to help pass the time either. If the time of the plane ride goes by this slow I'll be legally allowed to drink by the time I land, which wouldn't be too bad. 

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