I Would Ask You to Stay...

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"Prance your prim little posterior over here at once, Mr. Spock!" Kirk demanded sternly, making sure it would be understood that it was an order and that he was righteously roiled.

A soft thump of four agile paws landing on the floor upon leaping from their previous position atop the desk served as prelude to Spock's attendance.

The black Cornish Rex gave a drawn out stretch--casually pulling the muscles taut from his toes, down his spine, to the tip of his tail--and prowled languidly over to Kirk, a cool saunter that hinted neither fear nor shame, and wound his sleek form round the captains ankles, forming figure eights between his legs.

"Spock," Kirk grumbled, 

"I'm trying to get mad at you! Rubbing up to me isn't going to lessen the consequences for clawing my tunics to pieces for the third time this week!" Kirk crossed his arms at his chest and pouted, furrowing his brows and looking down at a gold uniform top--or at least the shredded remains of it--crumpled at his feet. He watched and rolled his eyes as Spock tread gracefully over it, continuing his path of figure eights, long tail trailing behind. Spock mewled, brushing his whiskered cheek against Kirk's leg. Fine hairs collected on the uniform slacks.

Kirk finally let out a defeated sigh, 

"Alright, alright! I resign, that's enough already. You win this time," and scooped the gangly cat up, gently cradling him in his arms and letting Spock adjust himself into his usual position, sitting on his haunches atop Kirk's overlapping forearms and laying comfortably across Kirk's chest to rest his front paws on Kirk's shoulder.

Spock's purring rumbled in Kirk's ear and the captain rolled his eyes once more, 

"I can't keep taking time off bridge duty to stay with you, you know, the Ship needs her captain," he chided softly.

Spock did not care about the requirements of Kirk's captaincy, all he knew was that he wanted to be with Jim--and had found a rather effective way of holding him hostage for a while. He head-butted the captain affectionately, poking him in the eye with an over-sized ear.

Kirk huffed a chuckle, lifting the arm not supporting Spock so he could rub his eye, 

"Yeah. I know, Mr. Spock. I know," he said and stroked the cats back lovingly.


The next day, when captain Kirk arrived on the bridge for Alpha shift and the doors to the turbolift swished open, Spock strode aboard proudly along side him and when Kirk plopped down into the captain's chair, Spock leapt into place, watchfully seated in Jim's lap.

                                                                     (But I am a cat)

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