History of Dragons

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"Arkin", his grandfather said, pointing to a book, "do you know what this is?"

 Arkin shook his head. "No. What is it, grandpa?"

 His grandfather laughed. "This, my grandson, is a special book. It's a book about dragons. The history of dragons, to be more exact."

 "Cool! Can you read it to me?", Arkin asked, excited.

 His grandfather nodded. "I don't see why not."

 "Yay!", Arkin said, happy.

 His grandfather sat down in a chair and Arkin sat down in front of him on the rug.

 Digging out his glasses from within his pocket, his grandfather cleared his throat. "Once upon a time, there was a secret world. A paradise for dragons. Untouched by man, it was hidden well at the edge of the world, where no one could find it."

 "Many brave, and perhaps foolish and greedy, people tried to find this world and destroy it. Not believing that such a world should even exist. Unsuccessful, however, in their task, none of them would ever come back. And those who did? Would never forget." 

 Arkin gasped. "Sounds scary."

 His grandfather smiled at him and continued. "Some tried to kill all of the dragons. But they never could. Some tried to make peace with them....but it didn't last...so, in order to make things right between the two species, the humans let the dragons go. Back to the secret world where they belonged."

 "But, why? Why'd we let them just...go?", Arkin asked.

 "Because the dragons needed to be free again. To go back to the lives they had lived before", his grandfather explained.

 "Couldn't we have just stayed together though?"

 His grandfather shook his head. "I'm afraid that we couldn't. Besides....dragons are majestic creatures. They don't deserve to be behind cages, they deserve to be soaring in the air, swimming in the ocean and so on. And it is my job to keep them that way and some day, Arkin, it'll be yours."

 Arkin's eyes widened and he gasped. "Do you mean it, grandpa?! I'll be taking care of real dragons?!"

 "Every single day!", his grandfather said, "Just....not up-close and personal."

 Arkin giggled and he gave his grandfather a hug. 

 "Grandpa", Arkin said.


 "Do you think that dragons are still out there? Like, y'know, in the secret world that you mentioned? Do you really believe that they still exist?"

 His grandfather gave him a look and said, with determination, "Yes. I do. They're still out there. Waiting for us to find them again. In the sky, earth and water. They're amongst us, Arkin. I can't provide you with any real proof, but you'll just have to believe me. They're real. As real as you and me. They're out there and perhaps, one day, you'll see one too."

 Arkin gasped. "Really?!"

 His grandfather laughed. "Really."

 "Until that time comes", his grandfather began, "I'd like for you to have this old book of mine. It belonged to my six times great grandfather. You'd have plenty much of a better use for it than I. Take good care of it, Arkin."

 Arkin held the book in his hands and made a 'wow' sound and grinned. "Thanks, grandpa!"

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